the 100% directionless thread

Haha. Gee thanks. Is there a gun out there that is better suited for someone that has zero experience with guns? I shot a BB gun when I was 10. That's it for me as far as experience.

Smith and Wesson .500
Haha. Gee thanks. Is there a gun out there that is better suited for someone that has zero experience with guns? I shot a BB gun when I was 10. That's it for me as far as experience.
I'd look at something in 9mm if you're starting out and looking for a handgun. Easily available ammunition, reasonable prices, useful round overall, and easy to manage when shooting and learning the fundamentals. Take some classes, educate yourself on safety, and enjoy.

.22 is great fun, but has recently been very difficult to consistently buy ammo for it.
Concealed carry. I'm being stalked.

Just being the voice of reason here, but don't you think you're taking this just a wee bit to far?
Concealed carry. I'm being stalked.
Last I heard you had a guy sending you text messages. That is far from being stalked.

If you are really thinking about concealed carry ask yourself if you could actually pull the trigger and take a life to defend yourself. If it takes you any amount of time to think about that answer then don't carry.
ask yourself if you could actually pull the trigger and take a life to defend yourself.

Desert beat me to it. Not trying to grill ya, but really ask yourself this.
Desert beat me to it. Not trying to grill ya, but really ask yourself this.

I will definitely think about that. I have not posted details of what has been going on. I haven't even told friends or family everything. This is something I'm mulling over. I feel vulnerable at the moment and am weighing my options.
Yeah, I'm not convinced this should be a reactionary decision. Regardless of the other things we don't know about, I'd humbly suggest considering making the simple changes first.
9mm. Go to the store and hold all sorts of them and pick the one that's comfortable in your hand and you feel comfortable with the safety, slide-lock and trigger.

Here's why I say 9mm. With modern ammunition technology a good self defense 9mm round will drop someone the same as a .45 will. 9mm allows for more capacity in your magazine. In a stressful situation more rounds means more chances to get one on target. 9mm is cheap so you won't be deterred from buying ammo to practice with, and you better be practicing and very comfortable with your firearm if you're going to be carrying it.

Take a CCW class and other pistol classes even though AZ doesn't require you to. Formal instruction is your friend, provided you go to a good instructor.

Carrying a firearm is a huge responsibility so don't take it lightly.

My girlfriend loves her Glock 43. It's a single stack 9mm that carries 6+1 in the chamber and is easily concealed. Not the most fun fun to shoot, personally, but she loves shooting it.

I'm partial to my Glock 19 because it's bigger but I also am bigger than her so I can conceal it where she cannot very easily.
Concealed carry. I'm being stalked.
For concealed carry, you have several options at your disposal. Many beginner shooters opt for a snub nose revolver, like the Ruger lcr, which is easier to shoot and maintain. I would recommend going out to a range and trying out different guns to see which one suits you the best. As for training, it is critical that you find a reputable facility. I will post a link to a company that I took a fighting rifle class with, and was very impressed with.
9mm. Go to the store and hold all sorts of them and pick the one that's comfortable in your hand and you feel comfortable with the safety, slide-lock and trigger.

Here's why I say 9mm. With modern ammunition technology a good self defense 9mm round will drop someone the same as a .45 will. 9mm allows for more capacity in your magazine. In a stressful situation more rounds means more chances to get one on target. 9mm is cheap so you won't be deterred from buying ammo to practice with, and you better be practicing and very comfortable with your firearm if you're going to be carrying it.

Take a CCW class and other pistol classes even though AZ doesn't require you to. Formal instruction is your friend, provided you go to a good instructor.

Carrying a firearm is a huge responsibility so don't take it lightly.

My girlfriend loves her Glock 43. It's a single stack 9mm that carries 6+1 in the chamber and is easily concealed. Not the most fun fun to shoot, personally, but she loves shooting it.

I'm partial to my Glock 19 because it's bigger but I also am bigger than her so I can conceal it where she cannot very easily.
6+1 in the chamber? I hope she's a hella of a shot.
Snub nose 38spcl would be good. Especially if yoi can fire 357 mag too
If you legitimately believe this guy will suddenly appear in person with an intent to cause you physical harm, concealed carry is a perfectly valid response IMO. After all, a restraining order is just a piece of paper, not a physical barrier. Whats your local LE response time? 6-8 minutes? I wouldn't bet my life that if he shows up and exhibits behaviors to make you call that he'll play nice and sit and wait for them to show up.....However like Desert said, you have to be ready and able to pull the trigger with full intent to kill. Not injure, not scare, but to kill. If you do not feel you can do that, than the weapon turns from a valuable tool into a dangerous liability. So I'd say get training and range time and feel comfortable with the weapon before you start carrying.
I wouldn't say your overreacting. Carrying would be a smart thing to consider, assuming you get the proper training.

Other options include OC spray or mace, perhaps a collapsible ASP? Or even a Taser (me, I'd personally prefer a ranged model vs one that requires you to touch the target). And there's nothing saying you can't carry any combination of the above.