the 100% directionless thread

Its true, you can often find crash pics on 4chan that never make it to the rest of the internet.

That's cause 4chan is the blackhole of the internet. Things go in, but they don't come out... especially /b/
Enter at your own risk, very NSFW in some areas
Been trying to download a copy of Broken Vessels for 2 weeks now and I'm stuck at 98.9%. I hate torrents sometimes

I was downloading a movie for a date. The morning I decide to invite her over to my place to dinner and a movie, I started downloading the movie. She's supposed to get there at 17:30.
At 15:00 The movie is at 98.5%. At 17:00 with dinner on the stove I decide to check the download, it's at 99.9%. Make a long story short. The download fails and I have to make a run to Redbox. She was IMPRESSED.

Also, who here have experience with ER Techs thinking they are doctors?
Darnit. I need to start writing info on these 12-leads I save. I'm looking at one from just last month and can't remember crap about why I saved it aside from it looking funky.

I think it's from my head trauma patient? Grr.
Awake. About to head out for ABQ now. Then on to Austin. Woot! 20 hour driving day!