I know a guy who knows a guy.
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I believe it's a perceptual difference. With the Port02, you saw patient's sp02 rapidly increase, plus there was the palliative effect of the cool oxygen. Patients related they "felt" better, even if they were still CTD. With the Pulmodyne, the fio2 is less, but the peep was equal or better than the PortO2. (I don't recall the volume, but it's in the presentation I did, probably still on the medic drive) Medics wouldn't see an immediate increase in Spo2, but the patient would improve. Older medics who only measured success by spo2 expressed great displeasure with the Pulmodyne, but in my experience, each application was relatively easy and resulted in a measurable improvement and a patient that didn't get tubed. (With an exception of those patients too far gone for CPAP to make any measure of difference)