Nothing makes you feel good quite like reversing pediatric asthma. 5 y/o F, 2 day fever, very hot, prior circumstantial evidence of asthma, sudden onset of nonproductive cough and resp. distress, "I cant get air". 5mg albuterol, 40mg methyldrednisone, 200mL NS = fixed, but the highlight was her and her older sister (10 yo). Both were asking what each medicine was, how it worked, why, etc. When the little one got worried over the IV, her big sister held her hand and was like "don't cry. Its a tiny needle. Not even a big deal. You're fine. They're not worried, so don't worry. You're not going to die. Just breathe in that medicine and don't cry." It was probably one of the most insightful things I've ever heard, and I think that the older sister is a born paramedic. Plus I got a heartfelt "thank you for saving me" from the patient and sisters (took all three, minors home alone and I really didnt want to leave a 5 or 5-and-10 yo stranded without Biggest Sister's 15 years of maturity and cell phone at some hospital.
Lungs and respiratory effort went from wheezy badness to fine in twenty minutes. To quote my arrival to Baptist, Crisis Averted!
I love this job and helping people.