Ran on an elderly man having a seizure, medic supervisor partner starts flight while we are responding. Get there, patient is postictal and has a history of seizures. Partner cancels flight, tells me to get him on the monitor and start a line. As soon as I go to start it, he seizes again, partner yells at me for taking too long to get line and then leaves to get some narcs (but I did still get it hooray!). Patient seized again on the 45 minute transport and maybe went briefly into Vtach. Then I get chastised for not knowing the "right" way to the hospital that I have already transported to five times.
Wish flight took him, we could hear them on approach to the next door fire station!
It is tough having to get used to the wants and needs of ten or so medics, everyone has their own nuances that make or break the call. Even when I ask their expectations on the way to the call I still struggle to be viewed as proficient, which is starting to bother me.