the 100% directionless thread

My patient's heart is not supposed to beat in dubstep.
If you're lucky. Otherwise, they will continue to punish you until somebody else upsets them.

In these parts they're usually so dumb they can't remember what unit pissed them off regardless of it flashing on their screen when you key the radio.

Partner and I are notorious for pissing off medics by not just handing over patient care when they walk on scene. If I'm in the middle of patient care, im not going to drop what im doing and walk away just because the all-mighty ambulance arrived on scene. When they've demonstrated time after time that they're completely incompetent, I'm not going to turn over patient care and watch you cause harm or do nothing (especially on a critical patient). Luckily, the med directors and ems officers all love my partner and I.

Cardiac arrest patient today, with respiratory arrest as the cause (massive mucous plug in the trach). We're already on scene and working on the patient. Medics initially get mad that we don't get out of their way. But when your primary focus is getting on the pads (pt in PEA) and getting an IO and drugs, and not pay attention to the cause of the arrest, I'm not going to move and let you continue to not ventilate the patient.

After breaking through the mucous plug with a bougie (saline and suction didn't work, that thing was thick) and getting a couple minutes of ventilation, we get a pulse back. Cool. Good work team. Nice strong pulse. Don't get mad when I tell you not to push the Bicarb and CaCl that you decided you wanted to push several minutes after getting ROSC.

And if you ask my partner to give the report because you missed the first 5min of the run, don't get pissy because she gives the entire report to the doc.

Sorry for doing my job. :glare:
Had a person my age last night. One minute talking to me, next minute brady at a rate of 28, bp of 70/50, lethargic. When they saw me grab the combi pads they argued with me saying I wasn't going to shock them or they'd jump out.

Talk about documenting the hell out of that one :rofl:
Why do stormtroopers wear so much body armor? It doesn't protect them from laser guns or lightsabers. What's the point?:unsure:
How does your system work? Are you fire medics? Fly car?

I'm currently a fire medic. EMS is a promotion within our department, which I'm currently working on. Our EMS runs dual medics, who no are no longer considered firefighters (they take away all their gear). Many are still quite worthless.
Why do stormtroopers wear so much body armor? It doesn't protect them from laser guns or lightsabers. What's the point?:unsure:

Fashion statement.
I'm currently a fire medic. EMS is a promotion within our department, which I'm currently working on. Our EMS runs dual medics, who no are no longer considered firefighters (they take away all their gear). Many are still quite worthless.

Are you responding on the engine/truck with another medic and the rest of your crew or in something else?
Are you responding on the engine/truck with another medic and the rest of your crew or in something else?

Depends. Sometimes we'll take the truck, and it'll be me, another medic, and two basics. Other times we'll take the squad (F250 with medical gear) and it'll be me and one other guy off the engine. Which one goes depends on how the call is coded from dispatch.
I'm currently a fire medic. EMS is a promotion within our department, which I'm currently working on. Our EMS runs dual medics, who no are no longer considered firefighters (they take away all their gear). Many are still quite worthless.

Im confused. You work as a medic on an engine or flycar type vehicle and as a firefighter but if you work solely on an ambulance you are promoted? Less duties = promotion?
Im confused. You work as a medic on an engine or flycar type vehicle and as a firefighter but if you work solely on an ambulance you are promoted? Less duties = promotion?

If less duties = same (or more) pay, then I see that as a potential plus.
Or maybe it's a compensating differential for less pleasant/fun work?
Im confused. You work as a medic on an engine or flycar type vehicle and as a firefighter but if you work solely on an ambulance you are promoted? Less duties = promotion?

It's a weird set-up for sure. However, EMS is much busier than Fire (except my station). Those guys don't sleep. Ever. That, and our union is incredibly strong, they won't let anyone change it... EMS doesn't want to give up or share all their OT.
VERYYYYY rare that an EMS union is able to overpower a fire union.

I've actually never once heard of that until now.

Not that I am implying anything against EMS, but usually the "years of tradition" line comes on 3x as strong from a fire side.
The Fire union is the EMS union. Same union for both.

Ah gotcha.

So the "in" crowd working on the ambulances for the money, simply doesn't want to let anyone in their sandbox.
Ah gotcha.

So the "in" crowd working on the ambulances for the money, simply doesn't want to let anyone in their sandbox.

Yup. They're making way too much money to agree to give it up. Very easily 6 figures. That, and the 24/72 shifts.
Yup. They're making way too much money to agree to give it up. Very easily 6 figures. That, and the 24/72 shifts.

Work 24 off for 72?

Do they get to sleep at all in that 24 hour period or are they running constantly?