the 100% directionless thread


Forum Troll
Psh, we do 370-400 a day :p

That's just at the event itself. Then you add on our normal call volume on to of that which can be over 250 a day.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Looking forward to my trip to Austin next week. It'll be a short visit. Anything I *need* to check out while I'm there?

Skip the bats they've been lame lately. If you're staying downtown and like punk/metal rock check out red eye fly a bar with a good music scene. There's also a bar called "the dive" that's pretty cool. As poeticinjustice said plan on eating a lot, the food is good and for the most part cheap. If you like Indian food there's a place downtown called the clay pit that's good.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
n7lxi, if you're in my mom's house then you're in my house! *looks behind me* I still live with my mom. :[

Yes, and you're out of milk.

Yeah and he's out of Oreos too. Aprz you need to tell your mom to put better locks in, and while your at it can you ask her to pick up some more milk and cookies and ask her where she keeps the chips cuz n7Lxi and I found the dip in the fridge. Oh and a six pack of beer sounds good, but not that cheap stuff that was in the fridge tell her to get something decent.


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
Fit "Carl's Jr." "Strawberry shake" and "request denied" into a narrative today


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Fit "Carl's Jr." "Strawberry shake" and "request denied" into a narrative today

I love this! My partner and I often play "word of the day" where we have to squeeze a goofy word into the radio report on every call that we transport.

"Bamboozle" and "discombobulated" were both pretty easy.

"Cattywampus" was a bit more difficult. :)


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
I love this! My partner and I often play "word of the day" where we have to squeeze a goofy word into the radio report on every call that we transport.

"Bamboozle" and "discombobulated" were both pretty easy.

"Cattywampus" was a bit more difficult. :)

I shouldn't have let my partner read this. The game is on, but we're doing word of the week, since we have so few ER transports. :ph34r:

We're starting slow with "Shag"

Cup of Joe

Forum Captain
I love this! My partner and I often play "word of the day" where we have to squeeze a goofy word into the radio report on every call that we transport.

"Bamboozle" and "discombobulated" were both pretty easy.

"Cattywampus" was a bit more difficult. :)

We should have a separate thread with a new word for each week. :rofl:

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Burning man?

Coachella I think.

Burning Man is in September and we are the closest EMS agency. We used to do all the medical but a hospital based service from BFE Nevada does it now and we just provide HEMS and mutual aid for ground transports or intercepts.

Believe it or not we don't do a whole lot of transports for how big it is.
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Forum Deputy Chief
Just eat. Constantly. There is so much good food there! All mom and pop places :D I'd grab a beer with you up there but I'm working like crazy the next two weeks :(

Yep eat and enjoy the city..If we didnt have such a good house arrangement in San Antonio we'd move closer to Austin instead of me commuting up there. Though if the commute keeps up Im getting a play/work car--Honda S2000 sounds nice. I say "if it keeps up" cuz I might go back to working in SA sooner than I expected.

Lots of places to check out though. Billys on Burnet sticks out in my mind right now. Great burgers and lots of fresh, local beers on tap.

Ill be up there 3 or 4 days next week.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
We should have a separate thread with a new word for each week. :rofl:

Interesting concept. A word is chosen, and then everyone has to work it into their reports for that week.


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
But how do we verify the word has been used


Forum Troll
Coachella I think.

Burning Man is in September and we are the closest EMS agency. We used to do all the medical but a hospital based service from BFE Nevada does it now and we just provide HEMS and mutual aid for ground transports or intercepts.

Believe it or not we don't do a whole lot of transports for how big it is.

Yeah Coachella Fest. We have ambulances staged ready to transport to the hospital, foot teams, bike teams, and medical carts. We also set up a medical tent with EMTs, Medics, RNs, and possibly a Doctor.

We don't transport every patient as a lot of them are treat and release (hardly any paperwork if any at all for the simple stuff). But we get some extreme ODs, allergic reactions, full arrests, assaults, and seizures.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston


Community Leader Emeritus
A great Aidey is a twit who manage to use something she learned on EMTLife moment.

Call for a diabetic, ALOC. Arrive on scene and find a sickly looking male who is diaphoretic. His wife can not give a coherent story. She is so frazzled that she can not say more than 1/2 a sentence on one topic without switching to something totally different. I can only listen to someone interrupt themselves and talk about a room key so many times. We quickly establish that the guys CBG is not low, but I see orange juice and crackers near by so I'm trying to find out if they checked his blood sugar and it was low and now it is fixed and he just doesn't look great yet.

Me - Ma'am have you checked his blood sugar today?
Her - Yes, we checked it this morning...oh where did I put his insurance cards..
Me - Ok, what time this morning?
Her - Oh, sometime earlier (head buried in her purse, almost literally)
Me - .....Do you know about what time?
Her - After we woke up...honey you need to give me the room key before I forget about it.
Me - ..................When you checked it what was it?
Her - It was 10.

At this point I'm a little irritated because this woman will not focus.

Me - Hang on a second. It was TEN? When was it 10? What time exactly? (As I pull out our glucometer to check it a second time)
Her - Yes it was 10, around 9am.
Me - Ten? As in one zero.
Her - Yes. It is supposed to be between 5 and 7.
Me - ....*facepalm* You're Canadian aren't you?
Her - Yes, how did you know?


Handsome Robb

Premium Member
A great Aidey is a twit who manage to use something she learned on EMTLife moment.

Call for a diabetic, ALOC. Arrive on scene and find a sickly looking male who is diaphoretic. His wife can not give a coherent story. She is so frazzled that she can not say more than 1/2 a sentence on one topic without switching to something totally different. I can only listen to someone interrupt themselves and talk about a room key so many times. We quickly establish that the guys CBG is not low, but I see orange juice and crackers near by so I'm trying to find out if they checked his blood sugar and it was low and now it is fixed and he just doesn't look great yet.

Me - Ma'am have you checked his blood sugar today?
Her - Yes, we checked it this morning...oh where did I put his insurance cards..
Me - Ok, what time this morning?
Her - Oh, sometime earlier (head buried in her purse, almost literally)
Me - .....Do you know about what time?
Her - After we woke up...honey you need to give me the room key before I forget about it.
Me - ..................When you checked it what was it?
Her - It was 10.

At this point I'm a little irritated because this woman will not focus.

Me - Hang on a second. It was TEN? When was it 10? What time exactly? (As I pull out our glucometer to check it a second time)
Her - Yes it was 10, around 9am.
Me - Ten? As in one zero.
Her - Yes. It is supposed to be between 5 and 7.
Me - ....*facepalm* You're Canadian aren't you?
Her - Yes, how did you know?


That's obnoxious. It's terrible but I don't know the conversion from mmol/L compared to mg/dL.

Good detective work, eh!


Community Leader Emeritus
That's obnoxious. It's terrible but I don't know the conversion from mmol/L compared to mg/dL.

Good detective work, eh!

I have no idea either, I had to google it. 10 mmol/l is about 180mg/dl. Apparently to convert them you have to convert mg to g, and then multiply that by some obnoxiously long number to get moles, and then convert it to milimoles. The liter to deciliter is much easier.