the 100% directionless thread

Lol, only in this thread can you get in trouble for being on topic..and off topic...and being sexy like me haha!

Hmmm... someone has been up for way too long. Must be getting delusional
60 days to ski season. (Not that I'm counting)
Finally, the weather is getting cold again.
No kidding cold! I walked out of the hospital this morning and damn near froze! And my jacket was in the Jeep.

And BTW... I got my 90 day eval at the hospital. Exceeds for everything and I'm now in a program that they will offer to pay for all aspects of nursing school :D
Cold weather? What's that?? :rolleyes:
Everytime I see the words "lol" "meh" or "bleh" I always read it as "I have nothing intelligent to say and I'm incapable of holding a conversation past 'Hi how are you'" or the phrase "I'm just... meh.." reads as "I have really limited vocabulary so I can't find a word to describe how I feel. Please buy me a dictionary for Christmas"

I hate getting "lol" texts... 10 minutes after I texted you. You know what? If that's all you have to say, save me the memory space and don't send anything at all.
Everytime I see the words "lol" "meh" or "bleh" I always read it as "I have nothing intelligent to say and I'm incapable of holding a conversation past 'Hi how are you'" or the phrase "I'm just... meh.." reads as "I have really limited vocabulary so I can't find a word to describe how I feel. Please buy me a dictionary for Christmas"

I hate getting "lol" texts... 10 minutes after I texted you. You know what? If that's all you have to say, save me the memory space and don't send anything at all.

lol. :P

The only one I use is lol. Other than that, I don't use them. Too informal.

You know what really grinds my gears? Posts that have weird/non-existent structure, syntax, or punctuation...
Finally, the weather is getting cold again.

Really? Triple Didgets here in CA, although, not as bad here in the Mountains... 90 degrees expected today. Can we say "Fire Danger"?
Everytime I see the words "lol" "meh" or "bleh" I always read it as "I have nothing intelligent to say and I'm incapable of holding a conversation past 'Hi how are you'" or the phrase "I'm just... meh.." reads as "I have really limited vocabulary so I can't find a word to describe how I feel. Please buy me a dictionary for Christmas"

Meh. To each their own, eh?

What dat mean?

Meh is an interjection, often an expression of apathy, indifference, or boredom. However, it can also be used to indicate agreement or disagreement. It can also be an adjective, meaning mediocre or boring.

In November 2008, the word was added to the Collins English dictionary, a British publication, published by Harper Collins:

Cormac McKeown, head of content at Collins Dictionaries, said: "This is a new interjection from the US that seems to have inveigled its way into common speech over here. "It was actually spelled out in The Simpsons when Homer is trying to pry the kids away from the TV with a suggestion for a day trip. "They both just reply 'meh' and keep watching TV; he asks again and Lisa says 'We said MEH! M-E-H, meh!'

The inclusion of a neologism in a dictionary caused some controversy. Sam Leith, writing in the Daily Telegraph, described the appearance of the word, following suggestions received from the public as a "gimmick", before concluding it was a "useful" word.

The Glasgow-based Daily Record had a different take on the apparently American origins of the word:

"This, of course, is utter nonsense. Everyone knows that "meh" has been in common use in Dundee for generations, almost always accompanied by the word "peh"."

The word gained popularity as a result of its use on The Simpsons. It was used in a 1994 episode, "Sideshow Bob Roberts," when a librarian reacts to Lisa's surprise that voting records are not classified, and also in "Lisa's Wedding" after Marge weaves "Hi Bart" on a loom to try to pique his interest in weaving and he says "meh." Lisa, in the 2001 episode "Hungry, Hungry Homer", spells out the word for emphasis, after Homer tries to interest her and Bart into going to a theme park. As early as 1992, however, the word appeared on a fan discussion board about the TV series Melrose Place. The word's first mainstream print usage occurred in Canadian newspaper the Edmonton Sun in 2003: "Ryan Opray got voted off Survivor. Meh."

The character George the Janitor, a regular fixture during the first season of The Muppet Show used it quite often to express displeasure of having to constantly clean up after the crazy antics of his fellow muppet cohorts.[citation needed]

There has been speculation that its origin is Yiddish because of its similarity to the interjection "feh". American lexicographer Benjamin Zimmer expressed some skepticism about this idea, and wrote in 2006, "Whatever Yiddish origins the interjection might have had, they have been lost in post-Simpsons usage." Lexicographer Grant Barrett wrote about "meh" and "D'oh", "I suspect they're both just transcribed versions of oral speech, which has any number of single-syllable sounds that mean a variety of things."
I'm knitting curtains for my bedroom, since there are currently NO window coverings there, and, I'm too broke to buy some, and too bored not to.
Like an 8"x12" curtain??? Impressive...

I want pics of the finished article
8 inches by 12 inches? No, about 10 feet wide by about 3 feet long. And, sure, I'll put pictures up somewhere.
yet another 1st day of school today. damn.
I sat in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber today...neat experience.(no, it was not turned on)
Another week of internship starts tomorrow... and my ex just got engaged 0_0