Terriost Targeting First Responders

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Why not also mention that stopping at intersections is important, wearing your traffic vest is important, having an egress plan on both the highway and a residence is important, being aware of who else is in the house is important, I could go on.

Being complacent with the above are far more likely to get you killed on the job than an act of terorrism. Of course it's important to stay alert, but the amount of emphasis that maybe a once in a career event gets in comparison to a once a shift event is disheartening.
Those are things that people should be reminded of regularly. And maybe I read his blanket statement a little differently than others, but to me, all of what you stated Tigger are things I lumped in to what was originally posted.
In NYC, 911 ambulances are to be deployed from the hospital or base for the next few days. No more sitting at 89s (designated intersections) around town. So we got to most of the calls first as a local volunteer ambulance.
We are more than willing to let people who stay stupid things feel the wrath of the collective community, which is exactly what is happening right now. But you an do it in a way without vulgar language or making defaming personal attacks, which again, is what is happening here. The rules here are very clear. We enforce them evenly. Being a longstanding member does not give anyone the ability to flout them. If you personally attack another member, you will be disciplined, period. So just don't do that. It's not hard to have productive decision where you lay into someone's content and not character.

That said, I find the OPs initial post to be outrageous. Of all the times to remind people that terrorism exists, I don't need to be told when there is an active attack occurring in a developed western country. And truly, there is not a lot that will change here. I pay attention when I'm at work, and when things are out of place we notice them. Not because we're on the lookout for terrorists, but because we spend so much time in our local environments.

Every crime scene has the potential for secondary attacks on first responders. But frankly, the specter of global terrorism is just not that high on my priority list. There are dozens of things much more likely to kill me at work that I need to pay attention to.
I can respect that.

Do you think that most Muslims support their actions? Are you really so foolish as to conflate the actions of a few psychopaths with an entire religion. If so, I invite you to take your bigotry elsewhere.
Are you really asking that right now?
Edit.. double tap... sorry
In NYC, 911 ambulances are to be deployed from the hospital or base for the next few days. No more sitting at 89s (designated intersections) around town. So we got to most of the calls first as a local volunteer ambulance.
NO. That is not germane to the conversation; post up in the Volly thread.
I'm...yeah. That's disturbing, but I'm going to bow out of this one for now.
I think we better not go there..... Or we'd both get banned. Good thing I was sleeping when this went down.

I think you and I are on the exact same page.
Sandpit I was mainly saying how no more 89s due to the recent attacks on Paris. That's one of NYCs measures that we are taking. Some EMS folks feel we are a bigger target if we are all hanging at the base as opposed to being at 89s
Speaking of NYC...I am headed there in a few hours as I have meeting at the UN. Any NY folks wanna meet up and have a beer or shoot the shyte? I will be in Manhattan. Tues is my free day.
Already did that and you are already in it, you just did not know...until now. Welcome!
Sandpit I was mainly saying how no more 89s due to the recent attacks on Paris. That's one of NYCs measures that we are taking. Some EMS folks feel we are a bigger target if we are all hanging at the base as opposed to being at 89s
No you weren't. You were crowing about how your rickey rescue whacker squad get's to actually go on calls now because the professional EMS service is no longer posting on street corners. They're not posting on street corners right now because of a terrorist attack that cost the lives of 129 people and will cost even more by the end. And you seem to think it's a good thing that you get to take advantage of that. How ****ing dare you.

In NYC, 911 ambulances are to be deployed from the hospital or base for the next few days. No more sitting at 89s (designated intersections) around town. So we got to most of the calls first as a local volunteer ambulance.
I grew up in Paris, where metro bombings and the kind of stuff that happened yesterday have been a reality for decades..

...and I grew up in the UK (London) where we had the IRA bombing us since the early 1970's.
Truth is AdamNYC is if the city truly needed you guys they would pay you.

This is a thorny issue that I think is well argued in and better suited for other threads.

With regard to scene safety, I heard that the "BSI, Scene Safety" mantra makes us complacent to scene safety after initial size up. I'm just as much to blame. A firefighter one had to practically punch and grab me to prevent me from stepping into a deep pile of something atrocious.

Maybe the point to be gathered from the thread is, be aware always and carry on.
Idk if it started that way, but it has gone completely off the rails. One thing to say "Hey there's some serious $!*t going down in a friendly area where EMS doesn't normally have to watch out for stuff like this, watch your 6", but what this threads turned into.....

I'm not worried about secondaries or ambushes on a routine medical call in the suburbs (though it has happened before, wasn't there an entire fire crew taken hostage a year or two back in Florida or something?) but if you find yourself dispatched to a chaotic scene, multiple patients, likely assault with a deadly weapon (such as reports of people shot, stabbed, explosives, etc) then yeah, all of a sudden I'm taking a second look at that out of place pile of rubbish or backpack or car thats riding way to low to the ground (then again I've also been trained to look out for that stuff, generally when in Afghanistan but the Paris attackers could easily have left stuff like that for first responders and there's absolutely nothing saying LA or NYC or Washington can't be next, or heck, draesh views your town as a vulnerable soft target).

Once again, we don't exactly need to be on full tactical alert for the next ground level slip and fall out of the nursing home down the street but the amount of hostility in this thread all around, yikes.
Now back onto the topic at hand. ISIS is threatening attacks across the US once again. I think half the time its just rattle sabering but they have proven that they can attack anywhere anytime.
Idk if it started that way, but it has gone completely off the rails. One thing to say "Hey there's some serious $!*t going down in a friendly area where EMS doesn't normally have to watch out for stuff like this, watch your 6", but what this threads turned into.....

I'm not worried about secondaries or ambushes on a routine medical call in the suburbs (though it has happened before, wasn't there an entire fire crew taken hostage a year or two back in Florida or something?) but if you find yourself dispatched to a chaotic scene, multiple patients, likely assault with a deadly weapon (such as reports of people shot, stabbed, explosives, etc) then yeah, all of a sudden I'm taking a second look at that out of place pile of rubbish or backpack or car thats riding way to low to the ground (then again I've also been trained to look out for that stuff, generally when in Afghanistan but the Paris attackers could easily have left stuff like that for first responders and there's absolutely nothing saying LA or NYC or Washington can't be next, or heck, draesh views your town as a vulnerable soft target).

Once again, we don't exactly need to be on full tactical alert for the next ground level slip and fall out of the nursing home down the street but the amount of hostility in this thread all around, yikes.
Yes there have been mutiple fire crews and EMS shot at for just doing there jobs. I just read of a story of a ambo crew treating a GSW victim where the suspect returned and attempted to stop the crew from saving the victims life until police showed and shot him.
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