Stethoscope - The Mega Thread


Forum Crew Member
Can anyone please tell me the best stethoscope I should purchase. I need one before class starts? What else is good to have, besides a pen and notebook.

Thanks so much and Happy Holiday everyone!! :unsure:
you do not need an expensive scope. I personally use a Littman Select. I purchased mine from for $39 which is cheap for that model. Allheart has low prices and I am not being paid to say that. But I should be.

Keep in mind scopes get lost and or stolen. The more expensive, the faster it will happen. You want a good scope that is easily replaceable when it happens.
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I have found that the better my scope, the better I hear. I use a Littman Cardiology II and more recently a Master Cardiology. They're expensive, but I won't use a cheap scope on patients that I am responsible for, unless it's the last resort. I have also never had my scope stolen nor have I ever lost one. People do lose them, but mostly because of their own fault.

I like my Cardiology II on most calls, but on calls with serious cardiac issues, I usually listen with my Master Cardiology. I can hear heart tones and murmurs (if they're present) much more clearly. On most calls however, the MC picks up a lot of surrounding noise.

Trust'll notice the difference the first time you use a good scope.
I have a Litmann Classic II SE. The hospital supplies the super cheap ones that are so bad that I can't hear much of anything even when the ambulance is still and quiet with no distracting sounds (yeah, that happens a LOT lol). Most of our trucks has at least one "good" stethoscope in the back that someone has either bought for that truck or left in that truck accidentally. I bring my own because it's what I prefer and I can hear much better with it. My partner does the same. He suffers from tinnitis and can't hear on the cheapies, so for him it's a necessity.

I would recommend getting a quality stethoscope. I bought mine before the class started, but that's a personal decision. If you get financial aid and have some left over, this would be a good use for some of that money. I would like to get a cardiology scope at some point, but right now I'm satisfied with what I have. Maybe when I'm done with paramedic school... ;)
A friend of mine uses an cardiology scope other than Littman's. he got for $50. Its awesome and cheap. Ill get the model # and post it when I know it.
THANKS! I do appreciate everyones advance!!
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A friend of mine uses an cardiology scope other than Littman's. he got for $50. Its awesome and cheap. Ill get the model # and post it when I know it.

Thanks Brian---
A friend of mine uses an cardiology scope other than Littman's. he got for $50. Its awesome and cheap. Ill get the model # and post it when I know it.
You can also look on eBay... there are always washed out med students who are trying to convert their scopes into cash.

I wouldn't pay more than 50-60 bucks... you don't need more than a low-end littman. Just stay away from the sprague scopes (2 tubes clamped together) they have lots of noise artifact.
You can also look on eBay... there are always washed out med students who are trying to convert their scopes into cash.

I wouldn't pay more than 50-60 bucks... you don't need more than a low-end littman. Just stay away from the sprague scopes (2 tubes clamped together) they have lots of noise artifact.

OH, OKay thanks for the advice!!
I refuse to live without my Littman master cardiology steth.
You can also look on eBay... there are always washed out med students who are trying to convert their scopes into cash.

I wouldn't pay more than 50-60 bucks... you don't need more than a low-end littman. Just stay away from the sprague scopes (2 tubes clamped together) they have lots of noise artifact.

I think what you need depends on what you plan to go educationally. If you're after a more advanced degree, get the more advanced stethoscope. If all you want is the EMT, you might not need to spend so much money. But if you have hearing deficits, you might NEED to spend the money (like my aforementioned partner). If you can hear on a cheaper one, don't worry about it. If you can't, that's a different story. Yes, there are cheaper scopes out there than Littmanns, but you'd be hard-pressed to beat the quality. I know there are other brands that are just as good, but they are going to be pricey too. You do get what you pay for in this particular area. I agree that you should stay away from the spragues. I have one of those too and it's awful. They're cheap, but again, you get what you pay for.
Make sure you label your stethoscope and dont put it out of site for a minute in class... wear it around your neck if you have to! i had my littman stolen from my back pack!
The next class i noticed one of my classmates had a new littman scope! The same exact one and when i asked him where he got it on ebay but he had bragged to the other students that he had stolen it!
... wear it around your neck if you have to!
A little hint although not in this thread, in regards to safety, stethoscopes makes great choking devices on medics

The next class i noticed one of my classmates had a new littman scope! The same exact one and when i asked him where he got it on ebay but he had bragged to the other students that he had stolen it!

Time for a little class meeting! Sorry, this person does not need to even consider EMS. I would attempt to get the statements and get them out of the class...

I've left my Littman on top of the hood of the unit and on scene on occasion. I've been fortunate enough that my fellow medics have also returned it to my box at the end of the shift.

We weren't allowed to put our scopes around our necks in EMT school or on EMT clinicals. The instructors shared their stories of EMTs being injured when a patient grabbed them or their partner and used the scope to choke the person.

I had one partner, a tiny woman, who had to fight for her and her partners life after a guy grabbed her partner's scope and started choking the woman. The story ended with acute O2 overdose to the head, but not before both medics were seriously hurt.

I'm hard-headed and still wear my scope around my neck, but it's not uncommon to see the more experienced folks wear it thrown over a shoulder.
I've left my Littman on top of the hood of the unit and on scene on occasion. I've been fortunate enough that my fellow medics have also returned it to my box at the end of the shift.

We weren't allowed to put our scopes around our necks in EMT school or on EMT clinicals. The instructors shared their stories of EMTs being injured when a patient grabbed them or their partner and used the scope to choke the person.

I had one partner, a tiny woman, who had to fight for her and her partners life after a guy grabbed her partner's scope and started choking the woman. The story ended with acute O2 overdose to the head, but not before both medics were seriously hurt.

I'm hard-headed and still wear my scope around my neck, but it's not uncommon to see the more experienced folks wear it thrown over a shoulder.

Thanks for the advice. I heard that happens a lot!! Happy New Year!!
I think what you need depends on what you plan to go educationally. If you're after a more advanced degree, get the more advanced stethoscope. If all you want is the EMT, you might not need to spend so much money. But if you have hearing deficits, you might NEED to spend the money (like my aforementioned partner). If you can hear on a cheaper one, don't worry about it. If you can't, that's a different story. Yes, there are cheaper scopes out there than Littmanns, but you'd be hard-pressed to beat the quality. I know there are other brands that are just as good, but they are going to be pricey too. You do get what you pay for in this particular area. I agree that you should stay away from the spragues. I have one of those too and it's awful. They're cheap, but again, you get what you pay for.

I had one that had the two spragues 13 years ago. I totally hated it. I have a cheap one now, no name brand and I having a hard time hearing.
I have sene one EMT with it. I own one but never took out of the wrapping. Seems like a cheap piece of plastic. Its a good idea. I just want a better made one.
Make sure you label your stethoscope and dont put it out of site for a minute in class... wear it around your neck if you have to! i had my littman stolen from my back pack!
The next class i noticed one of my classmates had a new littman scope! The same exact one and when i asked him where he got it on ebay but he had bragged to the other students that he had stolen it!

I would have to agree with Rid on this one. If this person cannot be trusted not to grab a steth; how on Earth can they be trusted to check-off medications?

I have done alot of things in my life-time, but stealing has never been one of them. I don't understand why someone would do something like that. If you want something bad enough, you work for it. You certainly do not steal it.

I would collect hard evidence backing your claim; and provide it--in private to your instructor; I am quite confident that they will take care of the situation.
I personally love my Littmann Master Cardiology. That being said, Littmann's are like Rayban's or Oakley's. The difference between top of the line and bottom of the line is price... period. One's just as good as the other. I splurged as a congratulations to myself. That was over ten years ago. Still have it and use it. Littmann has some competition, though; like ADC et al. Approximate quality in my opinion, with lower price. With scopes, you get what you pay for. Good luck