What harm could come to you if you don't get those items? Not the patient, you personally. That's the difference. I don't want a firearm to help anyone else other than keep my own *** from suffering from high velocity lead poisoning.
But I will gladly give you 4 TQ and a trauma dressing when we go into an active shooter, so if you do get shot, you have a better chance of surviving.
If I'm not mistaken, you are referring to the Casualty Collection point right? cool, so they are providing security (which is what they should be doing. That's a much different environment when compared to moving down a hall with a PD escort, or being with a SWAT team that is taking a door while shooting may take place (you know, doors might be the focal point of the gunfire, but I don't think the walls that you are hiding behind are as strong
I'm guessing your in an area where you get paid poorly, Fire runs everything, and you are just a horizontal taxi service? and BTW, why is fire dealing with this, as it appears to be an EMS or LEO issue??
better tell that to all those navy corpmen that work with the marines that they can't care for people if they are armed..... and all those cops who act as first responders and perform any intervention before EMS arrives, you need to take off your gun because you can't help people with it on you

Hypothetically, if I'm the tactical medic with a bunch of cops, and a firefight starts, I'm going to let the cops shoot at the bad guys while I try to find cover, or retreat to a safe location. But if, during the process of my retreating, I come across the other bad guy (because drug people always work solo), and he wants to harm me using the gun he has in his hand, what do you suggest I do, other than soil myself?