The only problems I've ever had with security guards in EMS is the occasional hospital guard who thinks I need to turn my ambulance off while it is parked at the ER dock. That ain't happening, and he's not going to be able to get into my locked ambulance to do it himself, so they are sometimes unhappy about that. Oh well.
While a police officer, I once responded to a security guard situation. A cable TV technician went to a gated community to check lines. A gate guard refused to let him in without a resident to specifically authorize him to their home. The tech blew the gate and went in anyhow. Two guards chased him down and held him for police. When I got there, I arrested both guards for assault and unlawful detention. I'm betting the cable company had no further problems there.
AJ! I am surprised at you with both of those examples.
I know you understand the reasoning for shutting off an ambulance that is near a building entrance. Disrespecting the health and safety of others because of whatever power trip you are on at the time to prove a security guard wrong does not make the situation right.
If I am paying association fees at a gated community for security, they darn well better check the crredentials of all who try to enter. Hence, the reason for a gated community. Again, the easiest way to gain access to one of these communities is to pose as a public service worker or health care professional. Even home health nurses go through the same screenin process. As a member of that gated community, I would have sued the PD for interfering with the safety of the members of that community by preventing the security company from doing their job by denying access to my place of residence. I want no one in my home without authorization from me.
If the community as a whole authorized or requested repairs, there should be a number of a board member or another person that can authorize entrance. Public Service companies are usually aware of the rules or how these communities function and there is rarely a problem.
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