Security Guards

Previous Security Worker in Indy

I was working the main entrance of our hospital. It seems like every ambulance wants to deliver patients at the main entrance. It just isn't right to bring a gurney in the main entrance when you have other options, now I work in endoscopy and we travel throughout the hospital to do procedures and we aren't allowed to use main corridors either.:excl:
Actually, most of us hate to bring in patients through the main lobby. We usually do use the main lobby however of the patient is a direct admit and is going to a floor and not the ER. We do this at hospitals with smaller ERs and Smaller ambulance bays to keep the emergency area clear to legitimate traffic. So there probably is a reason your not aware of.
Years ago I worked security. The only problem I ever had involving EMS was caused by the client, who didn't bother informing the security desk that there was a medical emergency at the facility I was assigned to, and as such I had no idea where to send the ambulance crew.

Don't some hospitals in the US have their own armed police force? I know a few hospitals in the Edmonton, Alberta area have their own Alberta Community Peace Officer departments.

Wasn't there an incident a number of years ago at a Buffalo, NY area hospital where a hospital security guard was forced to shoot and kill a person who showed up at the hospital to finish off the victim of a previous attack?