Scope of Practice for Each State - Discussion

Found a good source (I think it's current):

Tennessee EMTs are licensed at either the EMT-IV (Intravenous Therapy) Level or the EMT-Paramedic Level. EMT-IVs are trained to the NREMT-B standard in accordance with DOT regulations, as well as receive additional training in advanced airway management, administration of Epinephrine 1:1000 in Anaphylaxis, administration of nebulized and aerosolized Beta-2 Agonists such as Xopenex and Albuterol, administration of D50W and D25W, IV Therapy and Access, and trauma life support including the use of MAST Trousers. EMT-IVs can also administer nitroglycerine and aspirin in the event of cardiac emergencies, and can give Glucagon. EMT-IVs can also administer the Mark 1 Autoinjector kit for Organophospate poisoning and suspected nerve gas exposure. The State of TN Board of EMS is currently evaluating allowing EMT-IVs to administer NARCAN and Nitrous Oxide, as well. The Board is also considering going to an Emergency Medical Responder, EMT-B, EMT-Advanced, and EMT-P format and eliminating the EMT-IV rank.

That's more than I would have expected for what would be an EMT-B anywhere else, right?
Here's a joker: Standardized Procedures

At least in CA, within a given medical director/company's bailiwick, some otherwise verboten procedures can be assigned for LVN's, RN's, and other non-traditional EMS operators by setting up approved training (good to have a provider's number as a training facility, not too hard to get), keep good records, teach the St Proc, then have a test and periodic refreshers. I once had this explained to me: as long as the employees did not leave the premises or even a company owned vehicle, they could perform the st proc. Scarey.
Scope of practice for Alberta EMS can be found at: and then follow the links to each level from EMR to EMT-P.

I would like to note, that we are regulated by a COLLEGE. This term confuses alot of people. However, our DRs are regulated by the COLLEGE of physicians and surgeons. And, our nurses are regulated by the COLLEGE of nursing. Also, as EMS practitioners, we also fall under the health PROFESSIONS act. At least up here, we receive the recognition as a necessary provider of medical treatment. The term COLLEGE in this case does not mean an institute of learning.
UPDATE: The Alberta Scopes of Practice can be found at the following link:

Please disregard the previous link as a source for the Alberta scope of practice. However, additional information concerning EMS in Alberta can be found at the previous link.
county to county......So Cal

Here in So Cal it varies from county to Los Angeles there is an expanded scope policy 802- 802.2 but in Orange County the scope is limited
Pennsylvania just underwent some progressive updates in their protocols for both BLS and ALS.

In summery here are the BLS changes and additions:

- CPAP carried on BLS units
- No longer required to carry activated charcoal
- Bleeding Control Protocol
Tourniquet use emphasized for bleeding control
Hemostatic agents (powders) for bleeding control
- Nerve agent kits (injectable meds) for personal use onboard BLS ambulance. May only administer to patients after ALS evaluation.

In summery here are the ALS changes and additions:
- Change in Benedryl dose from 25mg to 50mg
- Addition of IV NTG
- Benzo's for vertigo
- Intranasal - fentanyl, glucogon, Ativan, Versed, Naloxone
- Crush injury treatment (sodium bicarb & calcium chloride immediately prior to extrication)
- ACE inhibitors for CHF - pretty much done away with lasix
- Therapeutic hypothermmia
- Analgesic for fluid or med admin by IO in conscious patient

Any other states allow CPAP for BLS?
how about nj

Anyone have a link with nj protocols?
Hi All!

I found the following as the scope of practice in Ohio:

I was wondering if there are similar files/sites for other states. I'm particularly interested in Missouri since I'll be splitting my time between St. Louis, MO and Columbus, OH.

Feel free to add your state(s)'s scope of practice as well and maybe we can keep a kind of a database for easy reference!


---------List of States---------

California: (JPINFV)
EMT-One (Basic): (Starts on bottom of page 6)
EMT-Two (Intermediate): (Starts on page 2. )
EMT-Paramedic: (listed by county)


beow is added for the paramedics in state (zacdac89)



Mississippi: (The EMT-B starts at about page 91 with scope defined starting at page 103.) (Ventmedic)




List updated 9 July 2008 by WuLabsWuTecH. Thanks to those who helped me find these links whose names are in parentheses after the state they found!
Here is the link for North Carolina:
Looking for SC Scope of Practice

Im not sure if anyone has asked for a link to South Carolina's link to scope of practice but I would love this information.