Scary Firsts

I guess it just bugs me out because I am so young. I've never dealt with anything like this in daily life let alone working with it because I'm knew. My first code I didn't even get to see out patient.
Being 16 is kind of gray for me at our company. Sometimes the guys say that I am a junior EMT.... Needless to say that sets me off. I put in all that effort to go through school and passed, unlike half of my much older class. I can't stand it when they try to belittle my tittle. Granted I'm not a Paramedic yet but I still am closer then they are!
It's totally comforting get to talk about all of this stuff and have people who understand... Thanks guys!
40's - in your state you can be an EMT before you're 18? In NY you have to be 18 to take the written exam (you can take the course and the practical when you're 17).
Originally posted by 40sCutest@Jan 19 2005, 06:17 AM

Needless to say that sets me off. I put in all that effort to go through school and passed, unlike half of my much older class. I can't stand it when they try to belittle my tittle.
This is just something that is going to happen to you no matter what you do or where you go. I was a newbie when I first joined my unit in the Army. A rookie at 34 when I joined my first volunteer fire dept. Now that I have moved and switched departments I am a rookie once again. I dont look at it as being degrading to me, I look at it as a way for the folks that have been here awhile to let me know I need to prove myself to them. Maybe this will help you some. All of the cadets on my department get alot of ribbing on account they are so young.
In PA you can be an EMT at 16. One of the youngest qualifying ages in the country. My birthday is in May and I tested my practical in August. It was hard because I amso young and in high school, while taking night classes to be an EMT. My partner quit the night before our midterm. Just to add to things my house caught fire the day of our midterms, burning all of my notes and books with it. Everything loaded up against me and I still passed so it bugs me when I feel like someone is talking down to me... Especially someone that I know more than!

Unfortunately, it comes with the territory... but just hang in there and don't show anyone you're upset about it - just show them how good you are. They'll come around.
My partner quit the night before our midterm. Just to add to things my house caught fire the day of our midterms, burning all of my notes and books with it.
I thought it was just a west coast thing, but bad things happen when you're in class, when I was in class my car got stolen (with books and all inside), and my psychotic ex played the "I'm gonna kill myself" game for about 3 weeks. Then the person who sat on my right lost her mother (if I remember correctly) about half way through the class.
We had a class like that too, one got in an accident a week before finals and quit, my friend got pregnant and decided to quit, our instructor's baby got sick and a bunch of other things happened, about 1/3 of the class dropped last minute.
STOP IT!! RIGHT NOW!!! Dont MAKE me come up there!!!

I don't want to know that EMS classes are cursed and are riddled with bad joojoo. Just let me live in my little utopia where little voices sing to me on my way to class, a perpetual smile is on my face just because I get to be there, and that certain glow surrounds me - you know the one a person gets when they are finally getting what they want.

I am IN class right now. I still have 15 weeks left. I have already noticed there are a LOT of deer on the road I have to take to get there. This is after 2 years of driving that road almost daily and not seeing one single deer! I still have a long way to go. Bad things just cant happen.

However, the day before class started I did have to use most of what I had in savings to put new brakes on my car.

mmmmmmmmmm.....Positive thinking....mmmmmmmmm...........Positive thinking
40's Just so you know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I took the EMT class in Iowa and you have to be 17 to take it. I was 17 and on the last year of high school. I had wanted to take the course since probley about 10 or so. And couldn't wait to take the class when I was 17. It was a lot of work going to school all day and then going to a night class and studying harder. However my grades in my EMT class were alot better than most of my other classes. I was the youngest one in the class and probley the youngest one to join the squad. My clas mates were fairly supportive for me to along with the teachers. I got in on alot of patient care as I was to young to drive the rig. So I know what that was like. This year we finally have two kids that are at least a year younger than me so now I am not the younest.

I think on my squad there were a few that were hesatent because of my age and when they voted me on I heard that that there was one vote against me and I don't know who it was but I never let that stop me. I figure I am just as good as any body else that took the class and actually now still have more confedince than others that took the class with me on certain calls.

Anyway the moral of this story is that it will get better and that you really don't have to prove yourself just do what you were taught to do and sooner or later they will realize that you are not so bad. And most importantly if you don't know something or have a question ask Because that will make you look even better. You won't come off as a person who thinks she know everything. :D Here is the end of the story hope you all enjoyed. :P
Originally posted by emtbuff@Jan 20 2005, 03:55 PM
40's Just so you know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I took the EMT class in Iowa and you have to be 17 to take it.
Where at in Iowa?
Originally posted by Luno@Jan 19 2005, 07:40 PM
My partner quit the night before our midterm. Just to add to things my house caught fire the day of our midterms, burning all of my notes and books with it.
I thought it was just a west coast thing, but bad things happen when you're in class, when I was in class my car got stolen (with books and all inside), and my psychotic ex played the "I'm gonna kill myself" game for about 3 weeks. Then the person who sat on my right lost her mother (if I remember correctly) about half way through the class.
Yeah - my class had a member get in a near-fatal wreck on his way home - coma for weeks, etc.....some of our classmates were working on him at the wreck...

Originally posted by 40sCutest@Jan 19 2005, 07:07 PM
In PA you can be an EMT at 16. One of the youngest qualifying ages in the country. My birthday is in May and I tested my practical in August. It was hard because I amso young and in high school, while taking night classes to be an EMT. My partner quit the night before our midterm. Just to add to things my house caught fire the day of our midterms, burning all of my notes and books with it. Everything loaded up against me and I still passed so it bugs me when I feel like someone is talking down to me... Especially someone that I know more than!
Yup... My birthday was June, and exams were in Aug.

So what part of PA are you from??

I'm from delco... Needless to say things weren't that hard or I would have quit.... In the end I am happy so I guess all thinkgs turn out the way they should.

I heard that something like 85% of EMT students quit before there finals but once in the field only about 10% can't cut it or quit... Interesting considering that we all had such a nuts time in school!
40's- I know exactly where you are coming from. I have been an EMT since I was 16 also, and alot of people did doubt me because of my age. You just have to step up and show them that you know your stuff and that you aren't scared (in a respectful and un-cocky way, so that they don't think you think you are a know-it-all). After you do that, you will receive the respect you deserve..

And ksEMT- I know all to well what it is like to be the only female. I was belittled, picked on, harassed, you name it, they did it to me. But once they saw that I did know my stuff and wasn't trying to show them up, they started treating me alot better, and even like "one of the guys"(sometimes I wish it was still the harassment and bullying! =)

Good Luck

I am from Northwest Iowa and live in a small town. That most probley don't even know of and can't spell let alone say it.

Originally posted by emtbuff@Jan 21 2005, 08:07 AM

I am from Northwest Iowa and live in a small town. That most probley don't even know of and can't spell let alone say it.

Born in Onawa and raised in Sioux City.
I am very familiar with Sioux City as most of our Patients that we transport end up in Sioux City. :) Kinda of a different town in road wise but thats okay because I don't like to drive in Sioux City. Thats why I have a driver in the Rig at all times :) I live in Hawarden or as most would say is Haywarden. But all in all a good town.
Yep, been there a couple of times. I blinked twice and missed most of it! :P
yeah I know what you mean Sorry about the previous post for all the changes but had to add stuff to it. :rolleyes: typical female. Anyways yes it is a small town but it is a good one to live and work in.
I had a similar experience. Pt had kidney stones. I start doing my asessment, OPQRST, Hx, my partner says I should call for pain mgmt, so I do. Medic gets on board and whammo pt says HepC and HIV+. I'm thinking hello, what part of Hx did you and I miscommunicate on? You have to roll with it. I used to volunteer years ago in a Level I trauma hosp. with a hefty Corrections population. I thought I had seen it all.... until they called the bomb squad to remove an item from an orifice in a pt.