Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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Forum Deputy Chief
Haven't heard from Travis in a while... wonder if he can put a positive spin on any of this?

When you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.


Forum Ride Along
Look guys things here are no different than any where else in the world when change in command happens. None of us will totally agree with all the points that are made. Communication is always a problem when we dont understand. There is a lot of communication gaps at the present time but everyone is trying to work through it.
For those of you who dont know Travis has had to take emergency leave and go home to be with his Father who is very sick at the present time. He will return but that is why you dont have comments from him presently.


Forum Captain
Look guys things here are no different than any where else in the world when change in command happens.

Complete and utter rubbish... I stopped drinking Kool-Aid after grade school.


Forum Crew Member
I still drink kool -aid (red) hmmmmm hmmmmm good! but it's still rubberish as all heck! you must be out of your mind to say it's like any other country when there is a change of command. Open your eyes and see what the real world looks like


Forum Crew Member
Be a professional

I consider most of you on this forum professionals, as a member of this forum I would like to sincerely ask that you all act like one.

Thank you.


Forum Probie
There is nothing wrong with change, whether it is change in management or in policy especially if will improve service provision. Unfortunately the change that took place in the SRCA was a result of personal vandettas against certain people and entities by a group within the SRCA. Ruthless sceeming behind the scenes by some little men with big egos to take control.

The evidence is there however in Saudi there is no outside body to investigate and look into allegations. If you make an allegation you end up detained or thrown out of the Kingdom. They restrict you seeing anyone who may assist as you may tell the truth and out the corrupt ways. They make allegations to discredit you so you look bad to the Saudis that work hard.

As an exaptriate your best move is to get out. They dont want change, they dont want to improve because that means incompetent managers will be forcing themselves out of a job. For the time being they are protected.

The change was not for the good of the service, people in the community and employees doing the hard work.


Forum Crew Member
We are all professionals here. Hubbly thank you. But i'm gonna speak my mind because i have that right. I won't degrade anyone or use profanity. Just speaking the truth. It seems some may still be blind to what actually happened out there. We are trying to spread the word. That's it. Looking out for others. Because that's what we do in this profession. It seems most think AA is to blame here. And i'm not saying this is partially true, but speak with everyone that has work in KSA. They all say the same thing.
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Forum Ride Along
This is true, I thought that a simple statement would make people understand what everyone is going through here. However, certain people still have stir things up that have not even been here. The ones that have been here for sometime and left I understand their points and respect them. Bryan has a great point here try to be professional.


Forum Probie
Guys we are being professional cause thats what we are. If only you knew the dirt that could be unleashed and have some over there packing their bags asap.:excl:

The dirt hasn't come out due to us being professional.

Providing information and the facts on what has and goes on in the SRCA is only for the benefit of guys left behind so they do not suffer the same fate


Community Leader
Guys - I see this thread going in a direction that worries me. A few comments from an admin:

-This is our currently "biggest" and most active thread, with about 775 posts so far.
-Our forums are highly indexed by Google - and this thread shows up really high when one does Google searches for SRCA EMS. -We've seen lots of new members because of this thread. That's great. We've also seen a few members create alternate user ID's to post comments. That CANNOT continue. It is a violation of our site rules, and any further instances will result in at LEAST a 30 day ban - we will not ignore this again.

Long story short - be careful what you post - I'm SURE that folks within SRCA are watching this thread. Be careful what you post. Many of you that are involved with the goings-on over there know each other - calling each other out and the trash talking that has happened on here can't keep going on.

Carry on!



Forum Ride Along
The Reality of Saudi


I've followed this thread with great interest for quite a while. I felt compelled to write and support the comments made by some of the medics who have worked there. They have a very realistic experince of what it is really like to work for Saudi organisations.

Myself, I did 4 contracts there and worked and lived in Saudi for 6 1/2 years. I'm not a Paramedic, I'm an ICU RN, but had plenty of medic mates there at the various hospitals I worked at. In Riyadh I worked at KFSHRC, PSCC, KAMC (King Fahad for old timers). In Dammam it was Adulrahman NGH.

I've been there alone, with my wife (a paeds transport ICU nurse), and with my young boy. I think I have a very good handle on the realities of what it's like to live and work in Saudi Arabia.

I think that what those medics are trying to do is blow away the glossy every things peachy crap, and put out the reality of what can and does indeed happen over there. I think you guys did a damned good job of it too. It needed to be said loud and clear.

It's not just the SRCA who pulls this kind of stuff either. The big hospitals do it all the time as well. You find a lot of your contractual conditons and benefits erroded away or blatantly changed and there ain't squat you can do about it.

Saudi's are never wrong , it's always always somebody else. They are never the incompetant one. Every Saudi I've ever known wants to be the boss. Doesn't matter if their incharge of locks and keys. When you go to their office your in their fifdom and you have to play the game if you want to get anywhere.

Saudi's love to wind you up, it's hysterical to them to see you pissed off. There are some great ones though but if something happens or goes wrong, they will always take the word of a muslim over a westerner.

Alot of stuff that goes on has been pointed out already, other things,
if you like the ETOH, you can have plenty at Embassy Nights. Just don't get caught pissed coming home. Your on home turf in the embassy, but once out the door your in Saudi.

Some people forget that, particularly girls, and you can just see the saudi police watching. If your cool they tend to leave you be, but piss them off...

Believe it or not some Mutawaa are okay. Mutawaa actually means religious person. It's the degenerates that haven't got a life that become the religious police. When your in Saudi you'll find Matawaa everywhere and not even know it. Although the long beards are a bit of a give away, in suits and ties thought, or SRCA uniforms.....

Shamals, jesus you wouldn't believe where all that dust can get to. Lightning storms so spectacular to see with rain in the middle of the desert. Dangereous as all hell to be out driving in it thought.

Sharwarmahs, love em, but the grease and the chance of salmonella from the mayo. Don't get the mayo.

Watch out for Sid he can cause blindness if it's not pure. ha ha

If your in Riyadh go over to Dammam and Jeddah, there much more laid back (well as laid back as you can be in Saudi) and fun compared to anal Riyadh.

The young nutcases on bikes and quad bikes doing wheelies up and down Olaya steet.

Good luck to you guys already over there, I hope your experiences are great and you don't get screwed. People contemplating, think long and carefully.
It's already been said that hospital paramedic jobs are okay. The guys I know where okay with it, it got boring at times. They missed not going out on the street on runs. Most of the time it was assisting in ER, and going on codes in the hospital.


Forum Probie

I've followed this thread with great interest for quite a while. I felt compelled to write and support the comments made by some of the medics who have worked there. They have a very realistic experince of what it is really like to work for Saudi organisations.

It's not just the SRCA who pulls this kind of stuff either. The big hospitals do it all the time as well. You find a lot of your contractual conditons and benefits erroded away or blatantly changed and there ain't squat you can do about it.

Saudi's are never wrong , it's always always somebody else. They are never the incompetant one. Every Saudi I've ever known wants to be the boss. Doesn't matter if their incharge of locks and keys. When you go to their office your in their fifdom and you have to play the game if you want to get anywhere.

Saudi's love to wind you up, it's hysterical to them to see you pissed off. There are some great ones though but if something happens or goes wrong, they will always take the word of a muslim over a westerner..

Well said pFox

Saudis are never wrong that is so true. Incharge of lock and keys..ask the ground guys how many times they changed the lock of the Paramedic Supervisors office... to keep out the foreign Paramedic Supervisors. The greatest comedy could be based on it.


Forum Probie
Guys - I see this thread going in a direction that worries me. A few comments from an admin:

Long story short - be careful what you post - I'm SURE that folks within SRCA are watching this thread.
Carry on!


And if the SRCA are watching hopefully they will learn something.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
I've re-opened this thread and would like to remind members that not only do they need to obey our rules, but they need to be aware that they are solely responsible for the content of their posts. What you post on EMTLife will be available for the internet to see for many years to come.
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Forum Probie
I've re-opened this thread and would like to remind members that not only do they need to obey our rules, but they need to be aware that they are solely responsible for the content of their posts. What you post on EMTLife will be available for the internet to see for many years to come.


I understand the rules and needing to be professional. This site has provided great information for everyone. Wondering, rather than lock the site because of a few not following the rules can you lock those few out?


Forum Crew Member


Have been on the ground here one week. All in all, things are good. Wasn't met at the airport as promised, but got in touch with a friend and got picked-up, delivered to compound, then taken out for dinner.

First of the week (Saturday here), checked in with the office and was greeted with warm smiles and genuine hospitality; very friendly folk. Next we went for physicals (a whole other story). By yesterday, I had received a cash loan for expenses and been moved downtown to a decent hotel (ah, room service, maid service, and walking to lots of places).

The flight service appears to be up again. We have one 902 staffed and should be ready for missions tomorrow after engineering clearance and test flight. Yippie!

The downside:

Word today is that upper management/leadership of the SRCA has decided NOT to pay the relocation bonuses as listed on their website and written in my job offer. This is discouraging for all ex-pats here, and I believe at least one has decided to return stateside. It's not so much the money as it is the trust factor. Again, this unofficial. I have not been told this personally by SRCA management.

Everything else seems to be as represented, so far. Notes to those coming:
1. Don't count on the relocation bonus
2. Bring phone numbers for local contacts and a cell phone.
3. Go through the customs line on the right side with the returning Saudi's, not the "First Time" line on the left.
4. Be ready to see the most awesome trauma of your careers.
5. Be ready for amazing hospitality, fantastic food, and the time of your life!



Forum Crew Member

Have been on the ground here one week. All in all, things are good. Wasn't met at the airport as promised, but got in touch with a friend and got picked-up, delivered to compound, then taken out for dinner.

First of the week (Saturday here), checked in with the office and was greeted with warm smiles and genuine hospitality; very friendly folk. Next we went for physicals (a whole other story). By yesterday, I had received a cash loan for expenses and been moved downtown to a decent hotel (ah, room service, maid service, and walking to lots of places).

The flight service appears to be up again. We have one 902 staffed and should be ready for missions tomorrow after engineering clearance and test flight. Yippie!

The downside:

Word today is that upper management/leadership of the SRCA has decided NOT to pay the relocation bonuses as listed on their website and written in my job offer. This is discouraging for all ex-pats here, and I believe at least one has decided to return stateside. It's not so much the money as it is the trust factor. Again, this unofficial. I have not been told this personally by SRCA management.

Everything else seems to be as represented, so far. Notes to those coming:
1. Don't count on the relocation bonus
2. Bring phone numbers for local contacts and a cell phone.
3. Go through the customs line on the right side with the returning Saudi's, not the "First Time" line on the left.
4. Be ready to see the most awesome trauma of your careers.
5. Be ready for amazing hospitality, fantastic food, and the time of your life!

Thanks Al,

That was a perfect report. Keep those reports of your first few months over there coming. This info is really helpful for us preparing to come over. Ask Aaron to post his first two weeks over there also.
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