Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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I still stand by the fact that there is a lot of fragmented 3rd party information being passed around, and this situation is more complicated than any of us will ever know.


Wow what a headcahe for all involved. Such a shame. The truth eventually comes out and my greenbacks is on the Saudis screwing things up and pointing the finger at others. Happens here in the hospital daily.

One of the gals I work with is quiet upset as a close friend of hers working on the ground left in such a hurry without even a goodbye. She found out from another gal that heard on the grapevine tonight that his contract was not going to be renewed for no reason at all by the Managers. No one we know has heard from him so we hope he is ok (probably in Ibizia Chloe reckons)

Thats what it's like here, the Saudis do as they please with no remorse.
Just to clarify...

Action Aviation's portion of the program is shut down at this point.

SRCA ground ops are still up and running without effect.
Hi'ya Travis

Is it true two more ground medics departed over the weekend? That is not positive news for you guys.
Just to clarify...

Action Aviation's portion of the program is shut down at this point.

SRCA ground ops are still up and running without effect.

Your clarity lacks clarity. You're right Action Aviation's portion of the program is shut down at this point. No argument, but it wasn't AA who discontinued the service it was SRCA. In fact, SRCA sent a letter to air traffic control telling them not to allow AA aircraft to fly.
Sweety, as far as I know, that is not true. None of the SRCA employees have resigned or departed over the weekend.

Goatlab, my statement is perfectly clear, Action Aviation is no longer operational in Saudi Arabia, and SRCA ground ops are still operating without effect. I don't see anything unclear about it.
Is anyone that is currently working for the SRCA ground service still on this forum? We are in communication with Travis but I have not herd from anyone else.

I understand you and Armor got your travel date for Wed April 14th. Congratulations. I got an email yesterday indicating they will contact me by the end of the week to let me know if my file is complete and they want to hire me. You guys be sure to communicate your experience when you hit the ground.
My comments about career contractors was directed to the US members of the forum...the ones where the dollar amount being paid is not worth the hassle.

The other nations you mention have better exchange rates...which is why we tend to recruit from those nations as well. I have South African, New Zealand, Polish, and Australian medical staff on my payroll....even had one German. It is worth it to them, but definitely not for the majority of US contractors.

And if you will review, the majority if not all of the US new hires are neophytes to overseas contracting as evidenced by their posts, questions and this entire contract.

As for no one posting anything negatively, having been a visitor of KSA and having many friends who have worked there, I know how heavily the internet is monitored and censored first hand. Dispute can't. If I were in that country, I would not say one single negative can't cause you are no longer in your home country and you have no freedom of speech in order to condemn the kingdom, royalty or anything else pertaining to their religious beliefs.

This is why you see NOTHING negative from someone who is there. You do not bite the hand that feeds you until you find another hand.

I will say again, I wish all the best of luck because you will need it.

Well spoken!

I had one converstation with SRCA about this position. After getting the details, I didn't need to hear another word and quickly moved on. I can make that pay here in the US without the drama, the politics, and the aggrevation.

Good luck guys! I hope for the best for you.
Armor is flying out that day, I am still waiting on my authorization letter which has been on hold for over a month. I will update everyone here and on my blog when I get it. I am suppose to talk to them again on the 14th


I understand you and Armor got your travel date for Wed April 14th. Congratulations. I got an email yesterday indicating they will contact me by the end of the week to let me know if my file is complete and they want to hire me. You guys be sure to communicate your experience when you hit the ground.
Hello everyone! I haven't posted in awhile because I hadn't heard much about my status. I applied back in October of last year and after getting all my documents together I received a preliminary job offer via email in the end of January. I accepted the preliminary offer and was told that I would receive a fed-X package with additional information and a contract to sign. After not hearing anything for about two and a half weeks I sent an email asking if there was anything else that I needed to do. The next day I received a phone call from a female (cannot recall the name) who said that due to some internal issues that it would be a little longer. She was apparently looking at my preliminary offer and told me that there would be a couple of changes and I would receive a new offer once again Fed-X.

I didn't hear anything for another couple of weeks and then out of the blue received a phone call from a another guy, very obviously american. He said that they needed a notarized copy of my employment history and a notarized high school diploma. I spoke with him for a good 20 or 30 minutes and he cleared up several questions I had about what was going on. I am finishing up my bachelors degree in Emergency Medical Care at Eastern Kentucky University (Graduation in 3 weeks now thank God) and have several Saudi friends that were apparently students of the gentleman I spoke with.

Anyway, I have one additional course to take over the summer so I won't be able to get in country until at least the beginning of September, but I emailed scanned copies of everything they had requested and am really hoping to hear back with a final job offer in the next little bit.

Anyway, I have been trying to keep up with what has been going on and as I understand it the guys that went through action aviation got screwed because the SRCA did something with actions contract which made action miss payroll. So far as I understand the people that are on the ground that originally contracted with the SRCA have been paid on time and the terms of their contracts are being met. What my question is, when I call back my recruiter and speak with him, is there any particular issues that people are having that I should ask to have clarified and/ or written into my contract?

Also, for the rest of you did the SRCA request the notarized employment certificate prior to making the final offer? From what I have read this was requested after they received a paper contract. Just trying to get a feel on where I am in the process.

I have not recieved a job offer yet, but I can answer one of your questions and that is I was required to to have notarized employment verification letters for all employers prior to a job offer.

I have observed clear changes in SRCA's employment process and as changes occur within the SRCA organization, changes are reflected and are evolving in our process as well.

So the process you began in November is different than my process that I started in March.
I too received my E-tickets and am Flying out on April 14th. I'll let you guys know when I hit the ground.
Dealing with SRCA

Well folks it's a long sad story,especially for those that are going. I was one of the eleven first hired by Action Aviation. I am safe @ home now so I can speak without fear of retaliation by the Saudi Government. I would not advise anyone to work for SRCA without payment in full of your contract 1 year in advance deposited in your bank before you leave American soil. Contract should state that it cannot be changed without your signature origination from your home country. In other words they would have to send you home to sign off on any changes to your contract. Because once you are there, they tend to change things to their advantage on your contract in their country. That way you have no say in what the changes are. They are very pleased once you are in their country because they say when you are allowed to leave. They are extremely two faced in contractual deals dating from the eighties from the intel I have came across. In other words I would definitely want a lot of guarantees before going over. I would also require that my blood money be deposited into my bank for my family to access it should I be struck by lightning while inside a building. In other words my friends even though the recruiters are extremely nice and trustworthy,their government is not. Now the people that I met while I was there were very nice. I don't think that I heard one bad thing from the people. I am very impressed with how welcoming and courteous they are. However their government is only nice when you don't disagree with them. Do that and they quickly use their power to shut you up. This is why nobody in country will talk about how things really are. Just one more thing. Don't use your own money to buy or promote their service and expect to get it back. Because you won't get it back. I want to give fair warning to any and all the decide to go to Saudi Arabia to work in EMS. Don't do it!
Well folks it's a long sad story,especially for those that are going. I was one of the eleven first hired by Action Aviation. I am safe @ home now so I can speak without fear of retaliation by the Saudi Government. I would not advise anyone to work for SRCA without payment in full of your contract 1 year in advance deposited in your bank before you leave American soil. Contract should state that it cannot be changed without your signature origination from your home country. In other words they would have to send you home to sign off on any changes to your contract. Because once you are there, they tend to change things to their advantage on your contract in their country. That way you have no say in what the changes are. They are very pleased once you are in their country because they say when you are allowed to leave. They are extremely two faced in contractual deals dating from the eighties from the intel I have came across. In other words I would definitely want a lot of guarantees before going over. I would also require that my blood money be deposited into my bank for my family to access it should I be struck by lightning while inside a building. In other words my friends even though the recruiters are extremely nice and trustworthy,their government is not. Now the people that I met while I was there were very nice. I don't think that I heard one bad thing from the people. I am very impressed with how welcoming and courteous they are. However their government is only nice when you don't disagree with them. Do that and they quickly use their power to shut you up. This is why nobody in country will talk about how things really are. Just one more thing. Don't use your own money to buy or promote their service and expect to get it back. Because you won't get it back. I want to give fair warning to any and all the decide to go to Saudi Arabia to work in EMS. Don't do it!
I hear what your saying brother, loud and clear and I respect you for speaking your mind and warning the rest of us. As one of those of us that are preparing to go over there this gives me pause. And I am trying to make sense of all this information but... Many of the SRCA guys over there right now, privately off this forum do not share your concerns. I have heard some honest concerns but nothing as concerning is this. It does appear that you AA guys got a raw deal.

Could it be that because you were with AA and because that relationship, between the SRCA and AA, devolved is why you indirectly were poorly treated?

Can you definitively say that you were directly treated poorly by the SRCA? Or is it that you were poorly treated by AA?

Therefore the rest of us should beware of the SRCA?

I ask these direct questions, because everything I have heard from you and others is that because the relationship with AA and the SRCA collapsed you guys got treated the way you did. In my mind this does not translate into a likely poor direct future relationship as a contractor with the SRCA.

Just asking. Since you can now speak freely, help us understand better that your experiences with AA are going to affect future relations with the SRCA.

I appreciate and thank you for communicating your concerns.
Many of the SRCA guys over there right now, privately off this forum do not share your concerns.

FYI....There is no such thing as "private or offline" in the Kingdom. The internet, phones and any other type of comms are heavily monitored/censored.

This is a fact. Yes, even your private emails are scrutinized if they so desire. The religious police monitor it all.

I do hope this is/was strictly an AA thing...but wish you luck with the SCRA.
Good points. However

While I was there one SRCA guys contract changed to not include an education allowance for his children. Another SRCA guy went on a recruiting trip to another country on his own money and was not repaid. Another had some delay in pay. The thing is you are sent all over town to jump yhrough their hoops and a lot of the time they don't tell you what you papers to bring to get stamped. Sometimes you have to get one stamp before you get the next one stamped. All of this as you are trying to navigate through a city of over 6 million and trying to accomplish the task between prayer time. They are not a lot of help when it comes to telling you what to take and how to accomplish what they want. As far as AA. I was always taken good care of by them. The SRCA was supposed to be paying the bill @ the Intercon Hotel but they didn't. Which resulted in the hotel threatening to not allow us any services like eating and what not. They pitched one guy out @ 0:200 AM. So you never knew when the knock on your door was to kick you out in the street. And you had to worry all day on your 12 hour shift if you had a place to stay or food to eat that night. The kicker to the hotel deal is the Saudi government owns the hotel. One department refused to pay the other and we were in the middle of a cat fight between Saudi families. Two of our guys were directly threatened and they drove out of the country and flew to a still undisclosed location. The SRCA sort of pays the SRCA guys, but they still have a airbus that was supposed to be part of the HEMS program that a French judge impounded for non payment. They have a history of not paying their bills especially if they are challenged in any way. Saving face is everything to the Saudi's. I won't place myself @ the mercy of some guy that never was disciplined when he was a child and has carried the two year old tantrum into his adult life. That's not all of it but a decent picture to look at.
Here's the thing...the Saudi's want something for nothing.
Examples -
1. AA was contracted to operate the aircraft in a safe manner. Because this was a new program and the aircraft would be landing on streets in the middle of town we were asked to provide training for the local police, ambulance crews, and hospital staff. Then the SRCA changes the rules and says they're not paying for any training the aircraft only operational missions.
2. AA looked at the SRCA dispatching. There was nothing for air and what the SRCA did have...well......string and tin cans would have done better. AA brought in a Comm specialist and set up a dispatch center. Again, 4 months into the program and an SRCA regime the SRCA squawked at the extra staff and refused to pay their salary or hotel bills.
3. SRCA was contractually responsible for all the base(s) infrastructure; hangers, fuel, crew quarters, etc. To date the SRCA has only supplied 1 crew quarters. They're wanting to penalize AA for the lack of operations in Jeddah yet SRCA has failed to establish the infrastructure, there is no dispatching capabilities, nothing to support the aircraft.

AA wanted this program to succeed and still does. That is exactly why they funded program for the past three months rather than let it die in January on the promise of payment later.

So the advise is "careful who you trust in SRCA".
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