Need help please
OK..I have my VISA and deployment date..HOWEVER when i got my passport and VISA back I am missing several documents that I will need when I get to Saudi..If anyone got their package Please look for some papers with a name close to my screename and let me know ASAP...I called the SRCA this morning and they Know of the problem and think the Saudi Embassy in DC Mixed a bunch of papers up and Gaby never checked before she sent them all out.. I do have papers from 2 other people in my package that i did contact and am getting their papers to them...AS any of you know that are going through this process all the papers we have are a major pain to obtain:excl::excl::excl:
FURTHERMORE i was sent a email that others did NOT get so i will share with all of you here on what to bring when deploying>:
We recommend the following:
1. Carry with you on the plane – and not in your checked luggage – all of the documents that have been used by the Saudi embassy and by your travel coordinator (eg: Gabi at Rendezvous Travel)
2. Carry five photocopies, each, of both the photo ID page and the Saudi visa page of your passport; carry 10 original prints of your passport photograph
3. Pack a 60-day supply of any prescription medication that you may require; prescription bottles must be properly labeled and in your name
4. Visit a major bank near you and exchange a few hundred US dollars, or the equivalent, for Saudi riyals
5. Call your bank and your credit card issuers to double check that cards are activated for use outside of your home country
6. Although Saudi Red Crescent will issue uniforms to you, you are welcome to pack a few additional white uniform shirts, black or navy-blue trousers and black duty shoes or boots if you feel especially attached to a particular fit or a particular brand
7. Please give our Saudi Red Crescent contact details to a family member or a trusted friend; please note for them the time zone difference;
8. If your government provides a registration service for citizens abroad, we recommend that you enroll online
US Department of State
9. Please be respectful: refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages on your day of departure; do not bring or pack in your luggage any alcohol, pornography (including digital files), pork products, knives, firearms, weapons, illegal drugs, etc.
10. Check in for your international flight at your airport at least two hours prior to departure.
Looking forward to having you in SRCA team.