Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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US Taxes

For those who are planning on being gone take a look at the IRS web site and download the instructions for Form 2555, it is helpful reading. As of 2009 the tax exempt figure was $91,400.00 and will likely go up again some unknown amount for 2010 . As mentioned earlier talk to a CPA who is familiar with foreign earned income because there are a number of things that will dissolve your tax exempt status. Keep track of your business expenses as you will be able to write off at least some percentage of them. Talk to a good accountant and read the instructions for Form 2555 because that is what you will have to file with your return. Jeff
Paying Taxes

I would like to add some information about taxes. I was recieving all kinds of information about money being tax free. I decided that I would find out for sure what the rules were. here is what I found out. The only way the money is tax free is if you are out of the country for 330 consecutive days. If you aren't then you will be taxed at 25%. If you are considered a contractor, which I will be, then you must pay an estimated tax every quarter. I am going ove to work for Action Aviation. I will pat estimated tax quarterly. I will then file my taxes accordingly next year and get most of it back.
That is what the IRS told me. I called and and spoke to someone in their international jobs department.
If anyone knows any comm. specs. already over there please let me know.
I would like to add some information about taxes. I was recieving all kinds of information about money being tax free. I decided that I would find out for sure what the rules were. here is what I found out. The only way the money is tax free is if you are out of the country for 330 consecutive days. If you aren't then you will be taxed at 25%. If you are considered a contractor, which I will be, then you must pay an estimated tax every quarter. I am going ove to work for Action Aviation. I will pat estimated tax quarterly. I will then file my taxes accordingly next year and get most of it back.
That is what the IRS told me. I called and and spoke to someone in their international jobs department.
If anyone knows any comm. specs. already over there please let me know.

You are incorrect and may have misunderstood or wrote down incorrect information.

You do NOT have to be out of the country 330 consecutive days, you have to be outside the country for 330 days in a 12 consecutive month period.

For example, if you arrive Jan 1st, it makes it rather easy for tax keeping purposes.

However if you arrive Sept 1st 2010, then when April 2011 rolls around, you defer your taxes until October and you then file once you pass the Sept mark and you use that for your overseas year.

If you stay on, you keep doing it. If you decide to return, then you pay taxes for Oct-Dec to close out that year and get back on cycle.

If it were 330 days consecutive, then there never would have been an Iraq war or Afghan War cause NO contractor would hang around for that long.

I hope your information is correct. I wouls like to say that I really like your last thought on your post. I think what you said about the Iraq ans Afghan wars is a very good way to look at it.
Thanks for responding
Having worked overseas for 4+ years now, I think I am tax savvy in regards to the foreign earned income arena...
my reply

I appreciate your expertise on this matter and your willingness to share. I will definitely be keeping it for future reference
Well i got my plane ticket! I will see you all out there. Best of luck with everyone going through the process. Look forward to meeting ya'll
good deal helimedic... enjoy the flight keep us up to date on how things r over there and let me know if there is anything that you need me to bring with me for ya.... take care and see ya over there
I will definitely do that. Thanks a bunch and see you on the other side of the pond
hello everyone. im new to this site, this is my first post

i am currently waiting on my visa approval to go over and work as a medic with the SRCA, should know in a nother 2-3 weeks

just wanted to throw that out there and say hey
Well I got news on my visa today. Everything is a go, except my degree. Their having a problem with it from some reason. I sent them a copy of my degree, a signed, embossed, degree verification letter, on school letter head from the registers office,with info on how to contact him and my sealed official transcripts. I'm not sure why they wouldn't think that those documents would be sufficient. But the Visa handler is going to go back and explain that my college transcripts are the most official documents that the college can give me. The official transcripts have some kind of special anti -counterfeit measures. They have raised boarders and you can't photo copy them without saying copy on the copies. The college has be in business since 1964, so it's not like it's some online fly by night thing. Frustrating because's this is the only thing thats holding me up. Anyone else run into this problem? Who would of thought that having a degree would hold me up.
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that bites Armor, r u going through SRCA or action? was just curious... i may have missed it earlier in the blog.... good luck with that though, it sounds like after it is explained that there should not be a problem with it...
welcome BMC glad to have ya onboard... I am at the starting line so to speak going to hopefully go through action aviation... am waiting for phone interview from them... so once that ball gets going we will see what happens
I'm going through SRCA, it's been a long process. The guys with Action are getting over in like 2 months. So far it's been almost a four month process for me. But our contracts are for a full year. So I just hope it all works out soon. It probably will.
Riyadh bound

Hey Guys, I'm leaving in about 8 hours. I went throuugh SRCA and it took me since June, so hang in there. Even as long as it took, it's hard to believe that it has finally come around. Oh, and with the degree thing, they already had my college degree, and I still had to get my High School transcripts after that. It's just the way it is. See you guys over there and feel free to ask me questions or share information as soon as I get internet access. Hope this works out for all of us.
Danbo goodluck enjoy the flight and say hi to Travis for us.
On another note, I applied Dec/1 2009 about a week or so after armor. Hes process is going way faster than mine. I am still waiting for a phone interview, after a ton of back and forth emails of documents they requested. They said 2 weeks ago I should hear from them about a job offer "very soon"
yah, ive been goin at it since august or so. my visa app hit the embassy about a week and a half ago, cant wait for the transcript fun. we will see i guess. hey good luck danbo, hopefully ill see you soon
I checked Travis's blog today and he was approved! I hope this helps speed things up for the other U.S. medics heading over!
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