Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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yeah my bad I should have guessed that. :P
Family life

Was curious if anyone with spouses and/or children have arrived yet? I have a 13 yr old daughter who is worried that she is gonna be all alone and have no friends. If there are none does anyone know if any families are coming soon.
Was curious if anyone with spouses and/or children have arrived yet? I have a 13 yr old daughter who is worried that she is gonna be all alone and have no friends. If there are none does anyone know if any families are coming soon.

Gidday Alelkins - relax, my family are joining me in a couple of months once I sort their visas out - not 13, but a boy (4) and a girl (6). I'll be on the ground from the 10th Feb and will post info re family accommodation etc as soon as I source it. I know for sure that an American family have been there for a couple of years, with their young son, and there's another Aussie family on the ground as well. In addition, Jay (Action Aviation) has been joined by his family and Greg (Jays 2IC) also has a wife and young bloke with him. You won't be alone.
Was curious if anyone with spouses and/or children have arrived yet? I have a 13 yr old daughter who is worried that she is gonna be all alone and have no friends. If there are none does anyone know if any families are coming soon.
I would hope that you live there for a while and figure things out before you decide to move your family out with you. A foreign nation, depending on the conditions, can be extraordinarily isolating for a family and young person.
Waiting for a descision

Travis, Have you started working yet? Are you technically getting paid for being in the country?
I was wondering the same thing. The contract I got said you were paid your relocation allowance. Which is equal to one months salary upon your arrival. If you don't mind me asking? How are you doing for cash? I'm only going to be able to bring $400.00 American with me when I come over. Thats 1600.00 there money, is that going to be enough until they can get me my relocation allowance? The Visa handler received my paperwork today at 1400 Washington DC time today. So things are moving along, let us know how your doing. As far as bringing my family,(I have a wife and three kids, A 9yo boy, a 6yo girl and a 4yo boy). I'm going to feel it out for a bit, until I move them over. I'm sure it's safe but I want to get the feel of things before I trek them half way around the world.

I would also like to know if you have got any money as of yet from the SRCA? when are you / have you got paid?

also I read your blog, is the problem they are encountering Paramedics with no college degree or Paramedics who had training courses under 1000 hours?
Hi Travis

How are you finding Riyadh? It's a culture shock at first but you'll manage! Have you restricted your blog?
Please assure your daughter she will not be alone. There are kids of all ages on these compound and as Tony says the SRCA employees are all over Riyadh so dont worry we can find some friends for her.
Was curious if anyone with spouses and/or children have arrived yet? I have a 13 yr old daughter who is worried that she is gonna be all alone and have no friends. If there are none does anyone know if any families are coming soon.
Please assure your daughter she will not be alone. There are kids of all ages on these compound and as Tony says the SRCA employees are all over Riyadh so dont worry we can find some friends for her.
Hey guys...sorry I haven't been around for a while...

You will not be paid your relocation until you officially sign your contract, which happens after pass your medical and get approved by the health council. This means most likely at least two weeks after arrival.

The SRCA has given me an advance on my relocation allowance, so don't worry, they don't let you drown without any money.

Things are going well. I haven't been approved yet, but the word is that this whole discussion is winding down and all the problems will be winding down within the next week or so.

My problem is twofold, I do not have a "Diploma" or "Degree" I have a certificate, and my course was 940 hours. Apparently they have read somewhere that the required course length is 1,000 hours. The DOT says that an average class, with average students, will achieve average results with an average class length of 1,000 hours. The DOT set this as a recommendation, and they have it in their minds that it is a requirement.

Anyway, long story short, the SRCA is having discussions with the Health Council and educating them on how the education system in the US is different than most of the world...

Things are going to be ok, at least they got these difficulties worked out with me, so the road will be easier for everyone else....

Bear in mind, that this is my experience with the SRCA, I am not sure how everyone is being processed with Action Aviation.

Hope all is seeing some of you in a week or two...
Wow, you were lucky, with it only being 940 hrs. in Oregon the Medic program is 3 years long. The first two years is all your prerequisites(EMT-B, Intro to Bio, Chem 104, A&P 231,232,and 233) Then the last year is the Paramedic class itself, every Mon, Wed, Fri with lab on Sat. The Paramedic class is 5 terms long, and comes out to be 1400 hrs (Thats not including your Ride time ETC). Oregon exceeds the National Standard, we do accept it, but you have to have an AAS in Emergency Medicine that meets the minimum credit hours to go along with it, if you want to get certified as a Medic in Oregon. Oregon is still so Rural in some Area's, we can do some crazy stuff. In most states we would be considered critical care medics. Where did you take your medic at? They have had my Visa Paperwork for 3 days now, and I'm just waiting to hear back from them. I'm hoping to leave Feb 20th (a Wed like you suggested). I hope everything works out for you.
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hey WT. quick question. i plan on doing a bit of travel outside the country while im over there. my question is did you apply for a multi entrance/ exit visa before your departure or is that something you do later on?
Multiple entry exit visa

You apply for your multiple entry / exit visa after you arrive. I believe you have to be here for at least 30 days and have the approval of your employer (not a problem...SRCA allows you to get it)...

I believe it cost 200 USD, and is good for as many entries and exits you want in 6 months.

In regards to Oregon's strict requirements, if you add up my EMT B, pre requisite sciences, etc. my time is far more than 940 hours, however, if you just look at the hours gained solely in paramedic curriculum, it is 940 hours...things are different in every all comes down to what you do after you get that cert.

I think they are clamping down on who they are recognizing not because they are questioning America's standards, but they are looking at EVERYONE'S standards, my problems are kind of an off shoot of that...I will keep everyone posted on how things go...I am thinking this will get resolved in the next week.

Keep in mind, I am going through the SRCA process, I am not sure what is up with the Action guys...
Well i can say on the action side that we need to bring all our documents but since we are employed with action we do not have to go through the same process as SRCA. Basically once we arrive in country, we will be put right into training.
Yes please keep us up to date WT. I would not worry to much about your education, especially if you have years of experience and a good scope of practice. Do you have your national also? Its been about a week since I have herd from recruitment again stating "You should hear back from us very soon about a job offer" Before they reply to me they are probably figuring things out with you and the current issues I would imagine before they reply to anymore of us.

If for some reason this falls through for me, I have filed reciprocity into Hawaii and just got approved for my Hawaii MICT Paramedic licence! I would rather go to saudi, make some money, pay off some debt, then move to Hawaii though.

PS: Armor and I are both from Oregon and use to work together doing race track response. He is just jealous I went to school in Washington and takes it out on everyone else :-P
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