Doctors treat and cure diseases/illness, RN's treat patients under direct/indirect orders/supervision. They perform support functions. They certainly do not practice medicine in my opinion
The lowest possible education to obtain an RN licence is a certificate program in a few states(although not many exists any longer) However, for the sake of argument, we will say community college education and an associates degree. The lowest possible education to obtain the title of MD would be medical school.
I think both sides of this argument are a bit extreme, nurses are not mindless zombies and are capable of functioning with out holding a doctors hand for every single thing. However, the nurses are getting defensive. At the end of the day the Doctor is in charge and that is who is practicing medicine, the guy/girl who took a degree in medicine.... Not nursing... or whatever...
If you don't like it, take some initiative and go to medical school, this goes for any and every healthcare occupation, not just nursing. Otherwise, swallow your pride, realize your not the one in charge, get off your high horse and enjoy your career choice of assisting the doctor in whatever capacity you have chosen as a career.