What is hurting EMS is those in the field that are unprofessional. Being professional has nothing to do about collecting a paycheck. It has everything to do with being the best that you can be. It is about making the effort to continually learn and advance your knowledge.
I've seen some very professional Volunteer and Career people in EMS. Unfortunately, I've seen some very unprofessional people as well.
I think it is easy to blame volunteers became so many do this for the wrong reasons. They are in it for the adrenaline rush, to be able drive with lights and sirens, etc... Any volunteer who has said "I'm just a volunteer" should get out of EMS and do something else.
"A professional can be defined as:
a worker required to possess a large body of knowledge derived from extensive academic study, with the training almost always formalized.
Professions are at least to a degree self-regulating, in that they control the training and evaluation processes that admit new persons to the field, and in judging whether the work done by their members is up to standard. This differs from other kinds of work where regulation (if considered necessary) is imposed by the state, or where official quality standards are often lacking. Professions have some historical links to guilds in these regards.
Professionals usually have autonomy in the workplace—they are expected to utilize their independent judgement and professional ethics in carrying out their responsibilities. This holds true even if they are employees instead of working on their own. Typically a professional provides a service (in exchange for payment or salary), in accordance with established protocols for licensing, ethics, procedures, standards of service and training / certification.
The above definitions were echoed by economist and sociologist Max Weber, who noted that professions are defined by the power to exclude and control admission to the profession, as well as by the development of a particular vocabulary specific to the occupation, and at least somewhat incomprehensible to outsiders
So an EMS professional should have education, be able to work w/o immediate supervision, have to attain and maintain certification as required by a group other than government.
Obviously changes are needed for us to meet that definition.
So what is professional EMS? Only a dream. "