religion is not really my thing
If prayer was a legitimate intervention, why would the faithful need to call EMS in the first place? :glare:
But I think you have to take into consideration how it helps.
If you look at prayer as basically "calling the divine cell phone" and asking for a favor, the results are not going to be immediate intervention or reversal of the situation.
But before looking at how it helps look at what it is. In many Eastern religions and several philosophies both Eastern and Western, a person has the ability to influence their perception. When things go wrong, it is because the person was out of sync. If things go right it was because the person was in sync. (with what depends on the religion/philosophy) but it is largely intrisnsic. When you have a positive outlook on something, be it a job, a relationship, whatever, your results are often more favorable.
Prayer as extrinsic religions (Cristianity, Islam, etc) use it is a method of instilling a positive perspective. (similar to meditation) It is the ritual or the recitation of something that instills a positive outlook. Sort of lke a mental security blanket. But that security is no different from its intrinsic counter parts. Basically it is 2 different ways to achieve the same thing.
I choose intrinisc, some choose extrinsic, it is not a choice of right or wrong.
By understanding exactly what prayer or meditation or whatever (like stubborn will to live or esprit de corps) else is, it is like understanding chemistry before pharmacology. It has an influence. However, even if you don't understand chemistry, it doesn't mean that pharm doesn't work.
That is why you see a lot of "proof positive" results in extrinsic religion. The "i prayed and it got better." They have no idea why, only that the medicine they chose helped the affliction. We don't educate every patient on the pharm we use everyday. (or any day for that matter) All they know is they took the medicine and it helped or didn't. Just like prayer, meditation, sacrificing a goat, or any number of rituals of different ideology.
If praying is what they need to help themselves get better, why would anyone want to take that from a person? I always find it beneficial when a patient is trying to help themselves. (though sometimes it requires a little guidance on their pham therapy
When it comes to deep topics, when does life begin? What happens when we die? I don't know, I am cool with not knowing. I'll check it out when I get there. Some people are deathly terrified of what they don't know. Their religion allays their anxiety or insignificance.
Certainly some take religion too far. Which is why it is called extremism. But such extremism takes forms other than religion. Nationality for example. Believing you are the most superior nation is no different from believing you have the most superior religion.
Sometimes society is built on unfounded beliefs. Like a male and a female each contribute 50% of their offspring. Laws are based on it. The science points otherwise, but if we go strictly by that, it would lead to a collapse of culture and society. Both of which are essential for the continuation of mankind.
Whether you are for religion/philosophy or against it. How do you prove you are right? What if you are wrong?