Crossing the threshold from expressions of empathy and compassion into the infinitely complex world of religion and religious incompatibility is not something I would risk as a medical professional and not something I would appreciate as a patient.
I think we are not talking about the same thing. I do not offer to pray for patients, or unilaterally decide what may help. Nor do I randomly just try different things until one actually works.
But if the patient asks me to pray with them, then I just follow their lead. If they ask for a priest (minister, shamen, Rabbi, or whatever) I make every effort to provide what they request.
If they ask me to take part in some basic ritual like leaving the "sick rag" on their head or bowing my head or a moment of silence, if it doesn't interefere with actual intervention then I make every effort to honor their request.
What if you were a patient of faith and your EMT was atheist? Would you want to hear his/her religious views then?
Understanding the true nature of religion, I really don't care what people believe or don't.
I sat in a class my first year of undergrad called "mysteries of evil." Of the required reading was a satanic publication. I wondered the significance of it. The prof later lectured that all Christians are Satanists and vice versa. You cannot have a protagonist without an antagonist. So I ask: Can you have an athiest without a religion to be against?
The dangerous extension of allowing religious intrusion into medical professions is the potential for selective application of one's medical knowledge on the basis of religious criteria; i.e. the potential unwillingness of an EMT to perform his/her duty on a patient who is part of any group with whom the EMT's religion disagrees or actively condemns.
Rest assured, nobody will ever accuse me of that. I am not biased by extreinsic beliefs, and I have learned the hard way about the conflicts of absolute morality.
But there are healthcare institutions (they probably try to reconsecrate the grounds after I walk on it) who can and do discriminate in their medical care. Probably not a successful trip to Show up at "St. Mary's" looking for an abortion. Nor at a Jehova's Witness facility looking for a massive blood transfusion. How about a Muslim hospital that only permit same sex doctors to see a patient? You could literally die "with your dignity" on the table waiting?
This is taking shape in the form of "conscience clauses" advocated by religious extremists who assume that when their MVA happens, the responding medic will be a member of their congregation. If they happen to be from a "rival" denomination/sect, the patient could be fatally screwed. All because religion was injected where it never belonged in the first place.
You really should seek out a medical ethics class. It is considerably complex. Ultimately the individual has to make a determination if they are going to follow the tenents of their faith, objectivity, the patients faith, or yet another option.
Look at the recent shooting of the OB/GYN performing abortions in a Christian church. Talk about conflicting... But yet he somehow managed to reconcile for himself the discrepency. Not being religious myself, I cannot even begin to explain that one.
But it is my belief that any provider who puts their religious convictions over that of a patient is not properly serving the patient. But the only person who I can convince of that is me. You may agree or disagree, but not from my opinion.