Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

Mine cut me off at about 110-115 questions, and I took it today at 1 p.m., and I really don't know how I did yet. I'm not exactly sure how I am supposed to look it up online... :(
Mine cut me off at about 110-115 questions, and I took it today at 1 p.m., and I really don't know how I did yet. I'm not exactly sure how I am supposed to look it up online... :(

You'll get an email Monday morning. I took my test Saturday and since they don't give results on the weekend, I got mine Monday at 8 AM exact.
Took my emtb nr test today... Got asked about 107 questions. I don't feel very comfortable considering on average most people had 70-80 questions then got cut off I had 100+!!! I'm going nuts.... Why!!!?! I really dont kbow how i did... Wish me much luck I know I need it
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Took my emtb nr test today... Got asked about 107 questions. I don't feel very comfortable considering on average most people had 70-80 questions then got cut off I had 100+!!! I'm going nuts.... Why!!!?! I really dont kbow how i did... Wish me much luck I know I need it

Did you get your last few questions right or wrong?

That tends to be an indicator (but not always)
You know I'm pretty sure I did... I thivkvmy last question was after birth mothers losing blood... I clicked direct pressure over vag... I think that's right someone correct me if I'm wrong
You know I'm pretty sure I did... I thivkvmy last question was after birth mothers losing blood... I clicked direct pressure over vag... I think that's right someone correct me if I'm wrong

They maybe have been looking for massaging the uterus as it should stop the bleeding. Just remember not to jam 4x4's inside the vag.
Woke up at 5am to check my results.... Guess what passed!!!!!!! Woooooooooooooooooo! Totally felt like I bombed horribly, 107 and passed
I also missed the last question.
A little off of the original topic but I took the CBT for my medic RECERT.

Passed at 105ish

But like everybody else I SWORE that I failed.

Wy Medic
A little off of the original topic but I took the CBT for my medic RECERT.

Passed at 105ish

But like everybody else I SWORE that I failed.

Wy Medic

Way to go. Told you so.:P
Today I took my EMT-B Stoped at 70.

So there I was taking the test looked up at 69 answered another question and my test stopped. I was thinking oh crap I failed. I started reading this site and at first everyone with a 70 passed. I was confident until I saw a few people failed at 70. A lot of people have made comments about the last test question. I really don't remember my last question and I would like to know if that is the case pass 70 if answer right and fail if answered wrong ill let you know whats happens.
I posted earlier saying that it stopped me at around 115 questions. Checked this morning and I failed. I'm real bummed. :sad:
Sorry to hear that cali4niagirl. What test was it? Remember to climb back up on that horse and keep going.

Would a cheesy story help? I have a few *muttering under breath* Dozen. :P

My very first IV was to an extremely HUGE prison guard. He was like over 7 feet tall (I am 6'5" so he was HUGE). I was so nervous but I asked my partner to not stand there, I was confident by myself. I found this HUGE AC in his right arm. Nothin but net I thought,

Well I stabbed, AND I GOT IT!!!! I was so happy that I let go of the set and it fell to the floor. The guard bled as I stood there and stared. A pretty good puddle formed before I had the wherewithal to act.

At any rate, I felt PUNY. It was terrible. I vowed that that moment was the end of my EMS career. But I swallowed my embarrassment and tried again later. I ended up being on the IV team at the last hospital I worked for and am now the one that gets called when they have a really tough one.

Keep going, wash the egg off your face a try again. It happens to the best of us.

Wy Medic
That's a pretty cool story. :)

It was the emt-b test... I really should have moved the date. It's been a while since my class ended and I forgot more things than I realized. I took a lot of pretests, and ran through my notes from my class. I did really well in the class but I made 2 mistakes for the test.

1. I didn't give myself enough study time.
2. I didn't review much of the questions that I got wrong on the practice tests, I just focused more on taking the tests.

I know a couple of EMT's so I will practice with them. But sometimes I wonder- even before I failed this test, even when I did really well in my class- if I should be doing this. I feel so doubtful, like I won't be a good EMT. How do you feel confident about your job before you even start it?
Darn good question that is almost always answered "you don't". It sounds odd but there is no way to feel confident in your job when you just start. Actually if you did feel confident before you start, I would be a little nervous for you.

You will be apprehensive when you just start. However I will let you in on the secret that we EMS lifers don't tell many people. *leans over to whisper* we were nervous to and sometimes still are ;).

I remember when I was a new EMT-B. I was so scared. Then I got comfortable for the most part.

Then I went to EMT-I class. GOOD GRIEF was I nervous. There was so much to learn and to not screw up on. But there was always my medic partner to keep me safe.

Then was the dreaded Medic school. WOW!!!!! Now I was really scared. I was about to wet myself. Especially when you get plopped on a bus as the only medic and now everybody is looking to you for the answers. It is nerve wracking.

The trick of a good EMS professional is to contain that nervousness and project confidence on your patients and bystanders. Make them think that you are totally in control. Don't say "darn" or "oops" EVER. If a problem happens simply cover it and move on (by cover I do not mean LIE, I mean downplay). Take good care of your patient and do what your training has taught you to. Always ask yourself "is this the best possible thing I can do to take care of my patient". If you can always say that you thought of the patient first then you will do OK.

Wy Medic

Now go back and study and blow the test out of the water next time.