I already know where the agency goes, but that place is huge and does big orders, like really big, and Im not sure if they would bother with one customer with one tank.
I'd ask the Medical Director, but I doubt he would know the answer to my question, as I am certain, as it is also said, very rare for an EMT to be filling his own personal tank.
I did call a place, was quoted $11.50 for the fill. I don't know what they would need from me, minimum order? contract? who knows... I guess I'll find out when the day comes.
I didn't find any other places close by.
"In my protocol O2 is contraindicated with anyone who has an SpO2 of 95% or greater. And anyone who is a CO2 retainer usually is titered between 88-92%. And all the paramedics I talk to say they shoot for 99% "
Are you sure you mean "Contraindicated?" or do they just not do it because its not necessary ?