nj first aid council

PM me. I might be able to help.
Getting on a paid squad is often more about networking than actually applying.

sometimes you can email them. Assuming you mean Glouster Twp EMS, try **removed email address** fill out the application here http://gtems.org/employment/application.html

if you mean another place, check out their website. some have online applications or contact us links that can direct you to the appropriate person.

but don't forget something getting on can be about knowing who to ask for an application, who handles the hiring, and who to go to to get hired. I applied for a job with a certain paid squad about 3 years ago. I had a decent resume, about 7 years experience, and was working FT for a hospital based EMS agency. I interviewed with their admin and supervisors, met some of their people, and generally liked them and they liked me. They didn't hire me. One of my buddies is now a supervisor there, and I asked him to check if he could find why I wasn't hired. All my app said was not hired, no reason given.

Every place since that I have applied for with one exception, including my current FT job, I have either known someone or known some people who worked here prior, and have gotten them. This field is all about networking and meeting people, that's the best advise I can give you. plus, remember EMS is a small circle, and with everyone knowing EVERYONE, your past will follow up, esp if you stay in the same local area.


Thanks so much for your reply. and how did you know it was gtems? :)
yes, it was. Its crazy a few months ago I went up there to start vollying to get my feet wet. i wanted to go thru school again and get ym cert back. well my job - being a transport mgr at a hospital keeps me way to busy and it just slipped. I have gone thru school,and now I am trying to get hired there,but also would love to volly there too since they have both,

the sad thing is, I have done both. I have called, I have emailed, I have done the online app too. I just think Im going to have to go down there,.
of you dont mind? could you tell me in a private message where you work ? or where you went or any good places to go?
Thanks again

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when theres blood and icky things on them, or your poking them with a needle and making blood come out of them, its a good idea to use gloves instead of going bare handed.

True. That said, I see very little of this. And LOTS of EMT's wearing 1 set of gloves for the ENTIRE call... driving to the hospital, remaking the stretcher, everything. I have MUCH more of an issue with this, because it happens more.

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when theres blood and icky things on them, or your poking them with a needle and making blood come out of them, its a good idea to use gloves instead of going bare handed.
If that's the case, then yes... they need to be wearing gloves. However not all patients need gloves.