New Years Eve Plans ??


Forum Crew Member
What are you guys doing for new years eve this year. Are you working or throwing a huge party or going to a party (can i come lol jk) i'll start family is coming over gonna be fun hopefully :) how about you?
After midnight sleeping for a week or two then back to school as a FT student

as far as the day of its just a regular day tons of stuff to do....
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Camping out to see the Rose Parade

Edit: Getting drunk THEN camping out to see the Rose Parade :P
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Going to a friends party, in Huntington beach,CA

about two blocks from the beach..

and they have an awesome jacuzzi, which i am going to be in all night haha ^_^
Nothing amazing. Seeing Avatar 3D for the third time with some friends and watching the ball drop...

WISHING I had a job to work. A busy night it would be...^_^
Working a shift -- BLS standby at the Cirque du Soleil in San Francisco. Stop by and say hi if you're at the show!
i plan on shiping kids to grandma and grandpas for the weekend (thur-fri) and then spending alone time with hubby. Probablly will fall asleep around 10 pm new years eve cause we are boring.
stay home with a few boring lol
I will be in a plane at 35,000 feet thankful I am landing in a Muslim country with no Nigerians on board.
Gambling... nothing like full comps on New Year's Weekend in Atlantic City.
Oh... my wife is going too ^_^
working, seeing who gets the first call of 2010!
drinking my freakin brains out then and only then drinking some more then passing out till 1300 on the 1st to watch the hockey game( GO BRUINS!!!!)
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Going to a friends place. We usually all stick around untill like 4 in the morning.

Of course doing all kinds of stupid stuff with fireworks too......:P
Well, it's my wife's birthday and I always start the day by making her breakfast in bed. This year it's buttermilk pancakes with boysenberry syrup, eggs, milk and coffee. After breakfast, I'll be taking her out shopping for the day with lunch at her favorite lunch spot, then more shopping and maybe a movie (she really wants to see Avatar). Then, we're headed to a friend's for an hour or so, then finally out to another friend's NY Eve party/birthday party for my wife and we'll likely be there until they end it at 6:30am on Friday B) day is full and I love it!
Gonna be a busy night.
Gonna be a busy night.

And you get a full moon. And it is the second one this month. And THAT only happens every like 30 years.

So: New Year's Eve+Full Moon(2nd one this month)+the 30 year odds of that night being the one to get the second full moon/EMS providers love of the full moon=A busy night

Have fun!
I'm finally 21 for New Years, but I've also never really been the club-going type person, so I haven't decided yet if I want to go out to a club with a few friends, or stay home with a few friends and drink.

Or sleep. Sleep is always an option.