New Orleans EMS A&E show! *Video*

Project Free TV has the shows all on their page (all sorts of shows are on here)

Episode 2 will be on here later.

Good show, and for the people judging the personnel, and some of the things they say or do, have never worked in a "big city" like NO, Detroit, LA, NYC, Dallas etc. You can't talk and act like you would to some folks in BFE Mayberry.
And people I've known and when I interned in a big city don't talk like that. Calling adult patients "baby" and "honey" is just strange to me.
I chalk it up to a culture thing because here "sir" and "ma'am" are the go to.
Yeah I mentioned that earlier in the thread. It's a very New Orleans thing. Cajuns.
Question for everyone here about something I noticed in this show. Is it SOP to cut every article of clothing a person is wearing, all the time? The HBD male in the first episode is simply ETOH with a cut on his finger and buddy cuts his shirt. Am I the only one who will cut the threads if its necessary only? It just seems excessive haha.
Question for everyone here about something I noticed in this show. Is it SOP to cut every article of clothing a person is wearing, all the time? The HBD male in the first episode is simply ETOH with a cut on his finger and buddy cuts his shirt. Am I the only one who will cut the threads if its necessary only? It just seems excessive haha.

In the ED if I am putting pads or stickers (whether it is for the LP, 12 lead, 5 lead, or anything) and the patient is altered enough to not manage their own clothing, and its too much strain to do my job with their shirt on, yeah, I'll cut it off. Pants, not so much, unless I'm doing an in & out or foley cath. Basically if I need an article off to do my part, and the Pt isn't helping and doing it myself isn't worth the effort, shears are out. Anything that is cut off is still retained with the Pt's other belongings.

Do I cut off a drunk man's clothes because he is drunk? No.
Question for everyone here about something I noticed in this show. Is it SOP to cut every article of clothing a person is wearing, all the time? The HBD male in the first episode is simply ETOH with a cut on his finger and buddy cuts his shirt. Am I the only one who will cut the threads if its necessary only? It just seems excessive haha.

The tourist?

It was a crap ton of blood, I think they wanted to make sure he wasn't bleeding from somewhere else. Already ruined with blood anyways, don't think the pt will miss them to much.
The ma'am and baby is a southern thing, not just Cajun. It happens down here, and we aren't sorry for it. I try to avoid it, but nobody from the area thinks twice about it.

New Orleans is a nonstop system. It's not a big city compared to something like Detroit or Houston, but calls seem to always be holding. And every other patient is drunk or on mind altering substances. Many of them lose their clothes to make sure there are no hidden injuries. Once they get to ILH (hospital), they're coming off anyways. I have not worked this system, but I grew up around it and have good friends to come out of it
The tourist?

It was a crap ton of blood, I think they wanted to make sure he wasn't bleeding from somewhere else. Already ruined with blood anyways, don't think the pt will miss them to much.

I was surprised with a "ton crap of blood" their quick response to control it. It seems like their responses are always when they will get to it. It was the same with a different team for a seizure victim. Is this a Cajun thing also?
I was surprised with a "ton crap of blood" their quick response to control it. It seems like their responses are always when they will get to it. It was the same with a different team for a seizure victim. Is this a Cajun thing also?

Possibly, they move slower.
I was just amazed at the lack of moving with a purpose to save lives. I don't expect them to run, but some sense of urgency would be nice.
I was just amazed at the lack of moving with a purpose to save lives. I don't expect them to run, but some sense of urgency would be nice.
Moving quickly tends to lead to mistakes. Very, very few of our interventions are matters of life and death, and fewer still are time sensitive. I scurry slightly quicker to a cardiac arrest than anything else because I want to start compressions and get some shocks going, but even that could only be described as a brisk walk.

The most important thing we bring to 95% of often chaotic scenes is a sense of calm, control, and professionalism. It's hard to portray any of those things if we're running around and fumbling in a hurry. Not to be insulting at all, but I imagine you're quite new to EMS. The longer you stick around the more you'll realize my point here.

The seizure and bleeding you saw were both pretty benign and required no immediate "life saving" interventions. Hemorrhage control can occasionally require rapid action, but no arterial bleeding or obvious source of blood was apparent here, and blood often spreads out on the ground and looks far worse than it is. The seizing patient wasn't seizing at the time, and even if he were witnessed to begin to seize in my presence with a seizure history my only actions would likely be to clear a space around him and let it happen for a few minutes. There are problems with this show that have already been discussed, but their sense of urgency didn't bother me in the slightest.
I was just amazed at the lack of moving with a purpose to save lives. I don't expect them to run, but some sense of urgency would be nice.

But they weren't really saving lives, because let's be awesome, EMS doesn't really do a lot of that.
And they can have beards! Lucky!

Just catching up via DVR.
Slow is smooth... Smooth is fast.
I think this was addressed... Why are they driving with the lights on, everywhere? With and without patients, going to post, etc?
Caught an episode for the first time earlier today, the Halloween episode (DirecTV guide called it S1E4). Looks like a good show. I didn't see anything too crazy (except maybe the light package on the front is about as random as the flash pattern :P )to make me start arguing with the TV lol It is now officially on the DVR record list, will have to look for the first three episodes. Is it just me or does NO Fire respond to all EMS calls, or only certain that just happen to make for better tv?
@Gavin Istre

Why'd you leave her so early in the season?

And... Why are they driving with the lights on everywhere? Like to post and just to get coffee?
@Gavin Istre

Why'd you leave her so early in the season?

And... Why are they driving with the lights on everywhere? Like to post and just to get coffee?
I noticed that as well, it seems like you can always see the red and blue flashing outside the truck everywhere they go.
I really like the show, so far. Im only a student right now for my EMT-B. But nice to see things that we are learning shown on the show (example sence safty and such). I have to say I like Dan so far the most.