New Orleans EMS A&E show! *Video*

Wife won't let me watch it. She doesn't like me yelling at the tv over stupid medicine.
Its more of public relations show for NOEMS more than anything. I bet that NOEMS gets to look at and approve all footage before its shown. If they wanted it to be more entertaining the show would go all around the country following agencys like COPS did. This is why I feel NOEMS is pretty heavy handed in the process of the show. Just wait till lawsuits come in droves over the show. I give it a season or two more before its blown into oblivion.
I like the show. It is entertaining, and it puts a face on what we do moreso than shows like Sirens and Rescue Me... Different places have different protocols, and I don't know anything about New Orleans.

To me, it's a cool show. Some things are dramatic, but it's TV. The characters on the show were hand picked, no doubt... They're the unsalty, unburnt, company men/women. There are some things I see and I think WTF in my head, but that doesn't preclude me from watching.

Overall, I enjoy it.
@Smash , I completely agree with you. These paramedics are mediocre at best and I wouldn't trust them with my family. The culture is demeaning. The medicine is subpar. The practice of that medicine is unnecessarily stressful.
I just don't see that...
My grandma is 93 and just had an NSTEMI.

I don't trust her doctors...

We all suffer from that perception of the "arm chair Monday morning paramedic." (" I would have done .....")

I don't think they are subpar... I think they have a way of doing things that isn't exactly as I do.
The world is a big place.
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I just don't see the appeal in it. My days off are the only time I have time to watch TV and on my days off I have zero interest in watching a show about my job.

I just picture a cop getting off duty, cracking a beer, sitting in a chair, and turning on the TV to COPS haha

Officer Daniels seems to disagree with you...

I like the show. It shows the more personal side of what we do, and it's good exposure for us. My family and especially my girlfriend like to watch it too. It might not be identical to my day to day work, but it's pretty close.

Officer Daniels seems to disagree with you...

I like the show. It shows the more personal side of what we do, and it's good exposure for us. My family and especially my girlfriend like to watch it too. It might not be identical to my day to day work, but it's pretty close.
That is exactly what I view in my head haha
I have some questions about the show and NOLA EMS.

Why is no one wearing a seatbelt?

Where did the doctor come from?

And why are they transporting everyone code 3?

Everyone is transported Code 3 because of the high call volume that the city experiences. The system cannot have its units sitting in traffic. In the off chance that a patient does not require code 3 transport and no calls are holding then a unit would transport code 1.
Everyone is transported Code 3 because of the high call volume that the city experiences. The system cannot have its units sitting in traffic. In the off chance that a patient does not require code 3 transport and no calls are holding then a unit would transport code 1.
That's silly. We have a high call volume too, but we don't transport code 3. Plus, there's still hospital wait times.
Everyone is transported Code 3 because of the high call volume that the city experiences. The system cannot have its units sitting in traffic. In the off chance that a patient does not require code 3 transport and no calls are holding then a unit would transport code 1.
The same is done in Boston, and it doesn't make sense there either.
That's silly. We have a high call volume too, but we don't transport code 3. Plus, there's still hospital wait times.
There are many hospitals in the new orleans area which helps disperse wait times. If units are on the wall for an extended period of time, a support van with an extra stretcher will come and relieve the crew. And it is high call volume combined with not enough units at any one time ( about 12 during the day, drops to 8 at night).