As I understand it: New shows are typically given the green light for an initial 13 episodes which usually run from September to December/January. In late to early November the success of the new shows are reviewed by TV Execs who decide if they should give the go ahead for another 13 episodes to make a complete season (26ish episodes). If they decide to cancel the show, as is the case here, the executives can either decide to 1. Immediately shut down production and cease airing any of the already shot episodes, 2. Immediately shut shown production and air the already shot episodes, or 3. Continue production on the original 13 and air the episodes. Number 1 and 2 are the usual choices, and number 3 is usually not done sionce they are basiclly dumping more money into a failed show, however, in this case, Trauma episodes are still being filmed (last week they were in Oakland filming as I understand it) until they reach that 13 episode production run and all the episodes will be aired until ~Christmas and then Chuck will replace Trauma. Never watched Chuck, but THANK GOD!!!
Oh, and I say again, this show had the propensity to bring super hero wannabes out of the woodworks, people who say how much they love the show because it is so realistic, and now it is what they want to do… SEE??? I know that it should be viewed as mindless entertainment, not to be taken seriously at all, but I still contend that too many people cannot distinguish what they see on TV from real life, and too many people would think this was real; a fact that would/will/has had a negative impact on EMS, much the way Crime Dramas can and have had a negative impact on LE. (Yes it is true that Law Enforcement and Cops in general are not as screwed up as portrayed on NYPD Blue, The Shield, or Southland… but what is portrayed on TV forms the basis for too many people’s perception of reality because people are STUPID.) IMAO.