Need urgent answers - Failed Protocols Exam!

we have tablets to do all the paperwork. during orientation we got to review calls for training purposes and i noticed in a majority of the narratives, abbreviations were used for a lot of things.
we have tablets to do all the paperwork. during orientation we got to review calls for training purposes and i noticed in a majority of the narratives, abbreviations were used for a lot of things.

That doesn't mean it's the right thing to do either. Type it out, it takes less time and everyone will know what you're talking about.

Think about it like this. If you have to ask for a list of abbreviations, does that mean that everyone knows what they mean?
i see what youre saying. but what im looking for is accepted AMA abbreviations. chances are, if youre looking at my narrative, youve been doing this for a while and should know what the accepted universal abbreviations for things are.
i see what youre saying. but what im looking for is accepted AMA abbreviations. chances are, if youre looking at my narrative, youve been doing this for a while and should know what the accepted universal abbreviations for things are.

I've been doing this for a time (not a long one by any means) and when I read others narratives I invariably come across abbreviations I have never seen and everyone thinks that their version is the correct one. Do the right thing and write it out.
10 points if you know what CTAB means.
Clear to auscultation bilaterally?

How about ACSDHF?

You don't get any points since you're a med student! Only abbreviation I really use. That and "+CMS x4".

I'm not even going to venture a guess at yours.
There are no universal abbreviations. Each service will usually publish a list of the abbreviations they'll allow on PCRs.

We have a 2 page list and I only use a handful. BKA, UTI, IDDM, HTN, COPD and NTG. That's about it. Everything else I write out. :)
Since we're on a new page...

Acute on chronic systolic diastolic heart failure.

Ok, here's another one... SAD. It can be related to BP (and here is where we show the dangers of acronyms, granted context counts).
Since we're on a new page...

Acute on chronic systolic diastolic heart failure.

Ok, here's another one... SAD. It can be related to BP (and here is where we show the dangers of acronyms, granted context counts).

Sick And Disgusting.
Since we're on a new page...

Acute on chronic systolic diastolic heart failure.

Ok, here's another one... SAD. It can be related to BP (and here is where we show the dangers of acronyms, granted context counts).

Small Airway Disease, sinoaortic denervation, an emotion?