Debate???...after reading this whole thread, it looks more like a mud slinging competition!
That being said...
In this Country, if you are asked to perform a skill which is not in your code of practice, you can only do so as requested
by a Medical Advisor and it has to be signed off by them or an attending doctor on the patient report form.
If you are training to learn new skills or at a higher level (EMT-P for instance)..
you can only perform those skills in the presents of another ambulance officer at that skill level or above.
I'm not sure whether the Sup. telling Ms.Medic that she was to connect the LP11 and run a strip...comes under the Management informing
you that you have permission to act at that level of training, in this case...I guess it does, if they take responsibility should there be a problem.
(Patient could have an allergic reaction to the sticky's!

, just joking!)
Ms Medic, you need to sit down with the Sup and go through it all, to get it clear on both sides!
Just other the medic that attended this job....did they say anything to you about the LP not being connected?
Cheers Enjoynz