Sure you could of took the initiative and ran the strip. You didnt and you dont have an obligation to. <snip>
If you put it on as an EMT wich you are and were written up. The people on here would have lambasted you for it stating you dont have the education.
I'm really not sure how you guys are missing such key points here. It appears to be a case of replying to a thread that you haven't bothered to read.
1. It is NOT outside of her scope of practice. Unless you are intimately familiar with Texas EMS, any statement on this matter is speculation with zero basis in fact. EMTs have been running EKGs since EKGs first hit the field in the mid 1970s. They did so in Washington State too, for that matter.
2. She DID have the education necessary to do it. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that she had that training before she even started paramedic school, because EMTs running EKGs for their partners is standard procedure in most of Texas.
3. She DID have an obligation to do it. The paramedic was responding solo. That makes Ms. Medic his partner. This is exactly what an EMT partner is for. If not, what good is s/he except to drive the ambulance? Is that all an EMT is good for these days?
I'm not sure why she froze up on this run. Maybe she just had a brain fart and wasn't thinking right. Maybe she thought, "oh, it's just a nursing home patient, not a real patient." Maybe she thought, "oh, the medic will be here any second. I'll just wait and let him do it," like the health club who failed to apply the AED. Or maybe, as I suspect her supervisor believes, she is being too timid to take aggressive initiative to be an advocate for her patients and an asset to her partner. No matter which one of these explanations is the correct one, it is a legitimate matter of concern for her supervisors to address. In fact, they would be remiss if they did not.
Some of the same people that are saying the OP should have run the strip just because she's trained to do it regardless of the fact it is outside her current scope of practice are the same ones that said a medic shouldn't wear a paramedic patch while working as a non-medic.
What I find ironic is that some of the same people whining that it was not her responsibility are those who would normally be whining because they were not being allowed to have more skills. It works both ways.