Forum Lieutenant
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USAF, your mistaking representing and serving their countries.
These soldiers are putting their lives on the line serving our country and fighting for individual freedoms. Only to have someone arrogant enough to even suggest TAKING AWAY one of there own personal freedoms they are trying to defend. You know, so what if it cost that much to provide healthcare to our soldiers they are worth every penny. America is in the business of war and 846 million is nothing but a drop in the military budget bucket. If they want to look at saving on some of the actual wasteful spending how about looking into some of the contracts with the vendors. Until then our government need to stay out of personal lives and decisions
As a matter of fact why dont they ban alcohol for soldiers? And in the country for matter. Im on my phone or would google some stats, but alcohol related healthcare and deaths are at least as much if not more then tobacco related costs. Why you ask? Because we are a country of hypocrites and know that it's going to happen anyways so the government keeps it legal simply to keep it taxed for a steady source of revenue.
I agree with you on the alcohol ban. It is a dangerous drink and kills many and doesn't do to much good although they tried that before and it didn't go so well.