Michael Jackson Dead

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Amazing how all of that is overlooked when someone is brought up on child molestation charges and later found innocent.

I had no idea he was such a humanitarian, he was not very popular while I was growing up. What a sad, sad loss of such a giving man!
Amazing how all of that is overlooked when someone is brought up on child molestation charges and later found innocent.

I had no idea he was such a humanitarian, he was not very popular while I was growing up. What a sad, sad loss of such a giving man!

He as did Dale Dubin have a had many positive affects on this earth but they also did things that caused great harm, tarnishing their own reputations.
He as did Dale Dubin have a had many positive affects on this earth but they also did things that caused great harm, tarnishing their own reputations.





The accusers were gold digging revenge seekers who spit in the face of someone who paid for their child's cancer treatments when he finally saw he was being taken advantage of.
What about the other accusers?

You mean the 1995 case that accepted a settlement and many believe to be liars??? Settlements don't necessairly mean guilt, they mean that one is taking the lesser of two evils. A trial that could tarnish his career forever or a measly sum to make it go away.

Michael Jackson was strange, but I don't believe he was a child molestor.
He as did Dale Dubin have a had many positive affects on this earth but they also did things that caused great harm, tarnishing their own reputations.

The difference is Dubin was found guilty, went to prison and lost his medical license despite his physician pals telling the jury it was a harmless infactuation with minors that could easily be treated and the drugs were not a big deal.

Writing a book for profit that has been reprinted several times and purchased by thousands of EMT(P)s is a little different than helping a child get his last dying wish. From working in Peds for many years, I do know of some of the good work Michael has done.

I was around for the trials of both men, one a little more closer than the other, and I do not take the justice system lightly when it comes to child molesters or predators of children of any type.
You mean the 1995 case that accepted a settlement and many believe to be liars??? Settlements don't necessairly mean guilt, they mean that one is taking the lesser of two evils. A trial that could tarnish his career forever or a measly sum to make it go away.

Michael Jackson was strange, but I don't believe he was a child molestor.

Sorry just noticed my typo, it was in 1993. Also evidence suggests the boy Jordan Chandler was under the influence of the sedative amobarbital http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amobarbital when he 'confessed' that he was being molested to his father. AND his own mother didn't believe he was molested.
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If a pt still has a pulse and the doctor is not going to sign a DNR order, you will have to work that patient. Even if you know a lot about that patient's history, MJ was 50 years old and it would not be wise to refuse to work the patient if there were still signs of life.

I agree completely.

This would also be true if the arrest was witnessed with CPR initiated immediately.
I am not sure anymore with all the BS reports the news are putting out, but I thought he was down for a significant amount of time before the 911 call and medics on scene. IF this is the case and the pt was done for a significant amount of time, even if CPR was being done, in MY protocols, I can stop efforts at that time, obviously with asystole in 3 leads.

As I have said before, perception is everything. Since everyone in the world knows MJ, this obviously makes him a VERY high profile Pt. I can guarantee that if the scenario I presented was the truth and the medics called him without transport, those medics would be crucified in the media and actions from LAFD would have to be taken by pressure from everywhere (political, financial, etc). But since the medics transported and continued to work him long beyond any hopes of anything, the perception that everything humanly possible that could have be done, is what is saving them.

As sad as it is perception is many times more important than the medicine you practice or your skills, or abilities. And we all do this when we "Never let them see us sweat"
I woulda worked him

Imagine when those Medics retire and have Grandkids

You know sonny, I did CPR on Michael Jackson ;)
Michael Jackson was strange, but I don't believe he was a child molestor.

So let us look at his for 1 more minute. So these parents who later accused MJ of molesting their children, allow their children to hang out with a grown man. And where were these parents when they were letting their kids sleep over MJ's house? How did they not think let my kid sleep with a 40 something y/o man so ok. or did they allow it to set him up.

In honesty did MJ have a childhood...NO!. at age 5 he was in the spot light. He was not allowed to play with other kids and have fun. it was work for him. So did this MAN grow up with normal values? with a normal life?...NO!
so if someone locked in a closet their whole life is released with the financial ability to do anything, what will he do...play as my kids do.
Many of MJ's handlers have even said he was emotionally a 12 y/o. he has not had normal relationships...his 1st crush was diana ross. His best friend was Liz Taylor. or a chimp.

Unfortunately, the miserable adults whose lives are miserable because they HAD to grow, no longer, just, PLAY. They lost their imaginations.

MJ, was having a sleep over. My 12 y/o son has sleep overs...and if we look at MJ as just another 12 y/o boy trapped in a grown body...it is the same thing...

Should have been supervision, sure. Did MJ molest these children?...NO! Not in the eyes of the law or courts. And since we are Americans, then this should be enough for us as Americans. The man was arrest and tried as a molester and was found "NOT GUILTY". As for him settling for money. He made it go away. But as a parent, is my child's innocence worth money, or justice? Personally if I TRULY believed MJ molested my child, I want JUSTICE. I would prefer it to be my brand of justice if something happened to my kid, but I would settle for legal justice if I had too.

Wow, that was lengthy...sorry about that...I was not a big fan. Thriller and the video were the thing back in the day. But his humanitarian efforts were beyond anything you or I could have done. I believe he even won the nobel peace prize....He deserves better than the BS we are saying....
Good points. When you look at it that way, it's understandable why he was the way he was. I wasn't aware of his many good deeds. No good deed goes unpunished, I suppose. We're all probably going to hell for passing jokes about the departed(I'm not being sarcastic).
Writing a book for profit that has been reprinted several times and purchased by thousands of EMT(P)s .

And also purchased by thousands of more doctors, nurses, etc. Can't put all his profits on the hands of Paramedics.
It doesn't matter how much humanitarian work he did, he is a child molester. The kid accurately described his penis...
It doesn't matter how much humanitarian work he did, he is a child molester. The kid accurately described his penis...

The kid did not positively describe his penis.

Hmm.. He has vitiligo. Maybe it's patchy or completely white!

It was said there were some similarities. Seen one penis, seen 'em all.
It doesn't matter how much humanitarian work he did, he is a child molester. The kid accurately described his penis...

Because each and every penis is unique in look and have absolutely NO similarities at all.

I've never been completely convinced that MJ did anything. Possible? Yup. Probable? Maybe. But so is the parents fabricating things to get money.
This one has run it's course.
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