you know what's amazing? all you paramedics are stupid. Just ask MrBrown or Veneficus or anyone in medical school, you really don't know anything, your education is laughable, and you can't do anything without a doctor holding your hand (at least that is what they always say). Hell, there are other US paramedics (on this board!!!) who say the same thing.
and the secret truth of EMS is that prehospital ALS has minimal impact on patient mortality rates (and no, I don't have the study in front of me, but I am sure someone has read it and will stomp their feet that the research doesn't apply to them). Helicopter EMS is in the same boat.
The other secret truth is outside of a cardiac or respiratory most medics can't do much. In a major trauma, they have no beneficial effect and the bulk of EMS calls aren't cardiac or respiratory in nature.
Now EMTs? 120 hours is pretty pitiful. of course you can combine all the con ed training (pepp, phtls, ics, START, GEMS, and every other course you can name) and you can get it to between 250 and 500 hours. college level courses can help (A&P I & 2 can be useful if you have a decent prof, and I enjoyed Bio 1 & 2, but Organic Chem did make my brain hurt), but the biggest advantage Paramedics have is their clinical time, where they can screw up as a student under the supervision of a senior paramedic instructor, while an EMT is given her or her card and cut free (sans the clinical experience under an experienced provider).
Do some medic's have attitudes? you betcha. are some EMTs retarded? you betcha. are some medic's retarded? you betcha. do some EMTs have attitudes? you betcha. And just like some medic's don't respect EMTs, some EMTs don't respect medics. an ignorant *** is still an *** whether it be an EMT or paramedic.
There are some medics that don't respect me. There are some that don't respect any BLS provider. There are some paramedics I don't respect. there are some paid BLS providers that don't respect volunteer providers. I do my job and go home, I have enough confidence in myself and my abilities to not give a F*ck if someone respects me or likes me. and I refuse to kiss *** to be more liked by certain providers.
I know what I can manage on my own, based on my training, and when I need to call for help. and I have no problems calling for ALS if they can benefit the patient, or cancelling ALS if the patient needs definitive care in an ER, not a paramedic who can only do so much. I have activated BAT teams on my own, trauma teams, and just once I even notified the ER I had a patient who was having an MI, despite not having a paramedic on my truck, and he was treated by the ER staff based on my dumb EMT's report. Would a paramedic have helped? well, considering I was arguing with a paramedic with 10 years experience who didn't want to call a brain attack on a patient as we were transporting to the hospital, I don't know. BTW I finally convinced her partner to call it, and the follow up on the patient showed she was having a massive bleed in her head, and the ER had orders to intubate and send her to the Neuro ICU.
and while I'm sure I pissed off the paramedics here, a) I don't care and b) paramedics are a valuable resource that should be used correctly. Sick patients who need them should get them; but if for some reason they can't get them, than BLS should know what do do. EMTs should NOT need a paramedic in order to operate they should have enough knowledge of the situation to know what is going on, and what they need to do. and even paramedics miss things and do make mistakes (I know this might shock some people)
geez, we all have EMT in front of our cert/license (although EMT-Paramedics seem to forget that, and that they were once dumb (sometimes even volunteer) EMTs ones). working together is often a lot more effective than fighting each other. and lets also try to remember, it's supposed to be all about patient care, not the egos of individual providers.