Medicating so you can work EMS?

Do you need help changing shifts or facing the work?

  • Yes, I take prescription meds for sleep or mood.

    Votes: 12 24.0%
  • Yes, I use non-presription substances other than alcohol for sleep or mood.

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • I use alcohol for sleep or mood.

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • I use a no-chemical regimen and would like to comment.

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • I do not use anything, I'm fine.

    Votes: 30 60.0%
  • My coping mechanism is hurting my non-work life.

    Votes: 2 4.0%

  • Total voters


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Prescription meds, self-prescribed meds, or alcohol...are you finding you use some chemical assistance to work, or at change of schedule (from days to nights or the other way)?

What are your thought s about this? Or, do you have other regimens like yoga or running or a diet, that you feel enables you to keep doling this?
I'm 19 y/o so my body adjusts to what I need it to pretty easy. Day shifts are easy for me. Night shifts, I'm a little tired at first but after 2 hours I am wide awake. I've never taken any kind of medication as a sleep aid and I hardly ever drink (probably due to my age).
I use a lot of ice packs and OTC pain relievers to be able to function at work but I don't think that's where you were going with this thread.

I've always been a bit of an insomniac but I don't use sleep aides, I am less of an insomniac since I started working.
I regularly take medication for my skin and chronic pain, but that is completely independent of the rescue service. Chronic pain comes just before if you had several accidents. We can live with it.

Generally, I have never drunk alcohol. Also, I take no other additional drugs to survive the day.

I think it's better to talk about it if you have difficulties. Drugs and alcohol are not the solution to a problem. ^_^
I take meds for sleep due to bouts of insomnia and pain meds for some injuries that have never healed correctly. I'd have to take those regardless of where I worked. I've dealt with bouts of insomnia since I was 9.

Other than that, my biggest chemical assistance in working is caffeine. Lots and lots of caffeine. Staying awake isn't the normal issue, maintaining some sort of "energy" while awake is.

Nothing yet, but the idea of some benadryl to help me sleep when off duty sometimes has come to mind. I work 72 hour shifts and on my off days im such a light sleeper the sound of anything moving in the house wakes me right up and i find it difficult to get back to sleep sometimes. 3 cats and a oversized 1 year old German Shepherd, always something stirring in the night..............
Thanks so far, all.

Especially for the comments about factors I couldn't properly include: caffeine and other stimulants, age, and pain.
(Yes, caffeine is medically significant. Just ask the guy who was drinking eight of 20-oz Mt Dew in an eight hr workday, after a pint of coffee. And turns out to have atrial fib!).
How about spiritual or cognitive approaches to mental health (religion, crystals, counseling, therapy, etc).?
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Gotta have coffee every day. Usually a few cups then I start refilling my Camelbak bottle for fluid intake. The occassional Coke Zero also.

I like to drink alcohol but have to limit it due to being diabetic. I have no problems after a long or rough work rotation having a few beers or a strong drink at home. Yes it's to relax and only happens a few times a month at most. Part coping and part I just like it.

Otherwise Im starting to exercise again-this has always been the best stress relief but I got lazy about it. Camping and our offroad trips are nice stress relievers also. Really thinking about using some extra $$ to get a used camper so we can spend our weekends off in the woods hiking and biking.

Im more of a suck it up and deal kind of person. I dont care to talk about things or calls and see it more as what happens, happens and if I made a difference great; if not then it wasnt meant to be and I did all I could- no reason to dwell on it.
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Especially for the comments about factors I couldn't properly include: caffeine and other stimulants, age, and pain.
(Yes, caffeine is medically significant. Just ask the guy who was drinking eight of 20-oz Mt Dew in an eight hr workday, after a pint of coffee. And turns out to have atrial fib!).
How about spiritual or cognitive approaches to mental health (religion, crystals, counseling, therapy, etc).?

I've found that for all of the stimulants I need at work, it's just as important for my energy level to spend time off-work and off-stimulants. I know that I need a good 8+ hour night sleep every few days, good exercise, and time with friends and taking a day of rest (religiously and metaphorically)
Exercise. I do cross fit.

Meds? I occasionally pop 50mg of Benadryl to sleep, but usually I have no issues. I'll have a beer or a glass of wine after work, but that's a social thing.

I don't find I need any chemicals to deal with my job, other than Flonase for chronic PND. ;)
If I know im attending I will grab a box of Dramamine. That's all I need..oh wait can't survive without my copenhagen :)
I have a prescription for sleep medication, but I wait until the 2nd or 3rd night of insomnia to take it, since I don't want to end up reliant on it. I might end up taking it a few times a year.

I'm sensitive to sedatives, so I can't handle benadryl, NyQuil, Advil PM, or most other OTC meds that cause drowsiness.

What I can't go without is caffeine, but I watch how much I take, and I've looked up how much is in what I'll eat or drink so that I don't over do it. My usual daily intake is 100 - 200 mg, which isn't much when compared to members of my immediate family. I can handle up to 400 mg in a day, but beyond that, I get jittery and don't feel well.

I recently got some caffeinated bath products, but I don't know how much is absorbed through the skin, but it does list how much is in the entire bottle or bar of soap.
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I would like to change my vote from " I don't need anything" to "I have a non-chemical regiment".

When I work 12hr shifts I rest before I clock in: sleep or not sleep. I rest something: mind or body.

When I work my 24hr shifts I rest when I can. If the tones drop like Lionel Richy (all night long), I wont chart until I get a few hours sleep. Losing sleep out if choice can be dangerous for your next pt.

Rest when you can. Even if you can't fall asleep, rest something: like your body. Just lay down for a while.
Joe, I forgot about motion sickness!!

Never have any trouble sleeping but I do take Ritalin so I can get thru the paperwork.
Ritalin, seriously?

Or kidding?
I can tell when I will struggle falling asleep, and I take a melotonin tablet an hour or so before I head to bed. Usually work take enough out of me that I have no problems, but on a day off I might take one to ensure I get plenty of sleep before I go in.

I run a fair bit too, this seems to keep me on even keel. That and skiing, which sometimes requires some ibuprofen the next day for back pain (hyperextension last year sometimes acts up) so that work is pain free

Sent from my out of area communications device.
Ritalin seriously..... and totally legal too. I am prescribed it for my ADHD.
i love coffee and when im out of work i like to grab drinks but thats about it.

i try to exercise and sleep as much as i can. some days im fine, some days im beat, nature of the job
Norco for pain, 2 if needed for sleep. Usually doesn't impair my ability to work