Medic dumps patient off gurney on purpose

Uhh...I've had plenty of difficult patients, but I can't say I've ever been tempted to intentionally flip one off my stretcher.

No idea what was going on with this guy, but that kind of temper and loss of self control is inexcusable. I don't like to judge, but it seems termination and criminal charges were appropriate here.
Oh the stretcher was hardly high at all. People need to be responsible for their actions. The medic is losing his job, and the patient probably was being an ***.
Oh the stretcher was hardly high at all. People need to be responsible for their actions. The medic is losing his job, and the patient probably was being an ***.
That is absolutely no excuse for the Paramedic's action.
Oh the stretcher was hardly high at all. People need to be responsible for their actions. The medic is losing his job, and the patient probably was being an ***.

I agree that people need to be responsible for their actions. The guy who said something stupid should be responsible for what he said, however, we in EMS are not the hand of Karma or Justice. We aren't the ones to hold people responsible. We are patient advocates, and you seem to have forgotten that.
I agree that people need to be responsible for their actions. The guy who said something stupid should be responsible for what he said, however, we in EMS are not the hand of Karma or Justice. We aren't the ones to hold people responsible. We are patient advocates, and you seem to have forgotten that.

Exactly. This isn't Bringing out the Dead. Settle down Heroes!
Does it matter how the patient acted? At what point would it ever be ok to toss a patient the floor in this scenario.

There are few times for the word never, this may be one of them.

Responding to a Paramedic flipping a patient off of a stretcher with the sentiment "Oh the stretcher was hardly high at all" and suggesting that the patient was in some way getting what they deserved is absurd. It's immature and pathetic.

It's troubling that you would have to ask.
Does it matter how the patient acted? At what point would it ever be ok to toss a patient the floor in this scenario.

There are few times for the word never, this may be one of them.

If they were trying to cause harm to me or my partner it's perfectly appropriate. Outside of that never.
the stretcher wasnt high...and he said people are responsible for their actions. not sure what else you want?
That's crazy. He was fired as he should have been. I think this displays a deep lack of professionalism and a total loss of self control; completely shameful action here. That medic has no place in this business, I don't care if you're on for one year or twenty years - it is never okay to act like that. I have difficult patients all the damn time - suck it up. And if you're too burnt then move on.
If they were trying to cause harm to me or my partner it's perfectly appropriate. Outside of that never.
So...say you've got this patient on your stretcher. What would be an example of how the patient might be trying to cause you or your partner harm that would cause you to dump him off the stretcher?
So...say you've got this patient on your stretcher. What would be an example of how the patient might be trying to cause you or your partner harm that would cause you to dump him off the stretcher?
He pulls a gun.

Note I am not condoning any action made and admit my reason is extreme.