Martial Arts

Its a matter of range. TKD trains for long distance kicks. Muay Thai Does intermediate and short distance. Muay Thai has the advantage by far.

What is your definition of a "real fight" might I ask?

by real fight, i mean like... REALLY fighting... like someone in a bar has decided he wants to f*** you up... or someone is trying to kill you. i never took TKD so i dont know if there are techniques intended to inflict pain and damage that dont require a whole lot of flair.
by real fight, i mean like... REALLY fighting... like someone in a bar has decided he wants to f*** you up... or someone is trying to kill you. i never took TKD so i dont know if there are techniques intended to inflict pain and damage that dont require a whole lot of flair.

1. You would not be doing TKD or Muay Thai at a bar fight. Whatever you do will look like any major martial art. The bar fights I witnessed seemed to have a large number of off balance punches thrown before bouchers coming running and kick em out. Usually the participants are just mean drunks.

2. 99.9% of bar fights are avoidable. Seems most people refer to bar fights as real fights. I used to post Martial Arts Planet. Same thing there. Alcohol consumption seems to have alot to do with it. I have been going to bars for years and never been in a fight. My suggestion is to drink at a bar with a better crowd in it. Nice and simple.
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Hello everyone. I am new to the forums so I felt this would be a good way to introduce myself into here.

I have been doing martial arts since I was about 11 (I am 21 now) and have enjoyed it tremdously. It helped me not only with working on getting in shape, but also self confidence.

Personally I took Kung Fu (Choy Li Fut for all you who want to know exactly what kind). I prefer Chinese styles as opposed to Japanese styles since I have come to find Chinese are much more relaxed and flow better. I am not saying Japanese styles are not effective, but I do find this as a personal preference.

Actually I will be going into boxing and Krav Maga (Israel style seen in Batman Begins and Bourne Series) simply for self defense, and if you have ever taken a hit by a boxer you know what it can do.

So all in all, it is preference. I like Chinese styles, wikipedia has a list of em. Many people however are going into MMA, but I am a fan of martial arts and not so much the ground pounding and UFC type. To each their own.
Actually I will be going into boxing and Krav Maga (Israel style seen in Batman Begins and Bourne Series) simply for self defense, and if you have ever taken a hit by a boxer you know what it can do.

Actually, the stuff in the Bourne movies was kali, or at least the major fight scenes were...

I've been practicing western martial arts for a little over two years now. It's a bit unusual to bring up in discussions about martial arts since it's so overlooked.
Before I had personal issues hit, I was practicing American Freestyle Kenpo Karate. (Long name, just call it Karate for the most part)

I loved it, but had been laid off from the job I had at the time and couldn't afford my dues. My Sensi offered to let me continue for free until I could start up again, but he had already done enough for me that I didn't feel like a free ride.

Always wanted to earn what I got, really. Want to finish that up and check into Tai-chi with my girlfriend or Tae-Kan-do or any other form. I really enjoy the arts them selves as a form of discipline and self defense.
I do Tae Kwon Do as well. I am a black belt. It is a great way to exercise, and you learn self respect an defense skills as well.
I can't believe yall are still talking about this. The majority of marshal arts that involve a gi and a bunch of different belts, and possibly a paul mitchell sponsorship, are stripped down flashy "products" brought to the U.S. as a way to make money, and are mostly useless in real world combat of any sort. The only real martial arts that are effective in self defense, combat sports, or real fights in any way shape or form, are going to be your arts that actually focus on actual physical contact. Krav maga is an effective martial art, but it was also just a product the israelis brought over to make money with. My ex-mother in law was special forces in israel and they didn't teach "krav maga" they just taught self defense. We, the U.S., taught the israelis what they are now selling as "krav maga". Bottom line i'll put my Jiu jitsu against anyones tkd, kung fu, or what ever lol.
Yup as I said before, In the old days of Martial Arts there were no belts, In the old days fighters would fight in dirt pits the fighters would wear white belts and the more they fought the dirtier their belts would be until they became black so people with black belts were thought to be more experienced and that is where the belt system originated from before it was turned in to a way for schools to make extra money.
I can't believe yall are still talking about this. The majority of marshal arts that involve a gi and a bunch of different belts, and possibly a paul mitchell sponsorship, are stripped down flashy "products" brought to the U.S. as a way to make money, and are mostly useless in real world combat of any sort. The only real martial arts that are effective in self defense, combat sports, or real fights in any way shape or form, are going to be your arts that actually focus on actual physical contact. Krav maga is an effective martial art, but it was also just a product the israelis brought over to make money with. My ex-mother in law was special forces in israel and they didn't teach "krav maga" they just taught self defense. We, the U.S., taught the israelis what they are now selling as "krav maga". Bottom line i'll put my Jiu jitsu against anyones tkd, kung fu, or what ever lol.

I have studies ninjutsu for close to twenty years and started out in Judo and tradional Ju-Jutsu. I usually avoid Martial Arts forums due to past experience but this post got the better of me. BJJ in the US is just another sport MA. Most of the true combat aspects of it have been stripped out and it is only taught for use in MMA, which is in itself a sport MA, just moved full circle back to the days of Chuck Norris when Karate was full contact continuous point sparing. Most MMA guys have an overinflated opion of themselves because many of the techniques will not work against a good street fighter without any rules. Likewise many of the grappling techniques are flawed because they are not good as a defence against multiple attackers.

I look at it like this, Martial Arts is like ice cream. If everyone liked vanilla, Baskin and Robins would not serve 32 flavors. So don't bust on people who don't like your flavor because there is always someone else who studies a type of martial arts that makes yours look like vanilla.
The majority of marshal arts that involve a gi and a bunch of different belts
Its martial arts

My ex-mother in law was special forces in israel and they didn't teach "krav maga" they just taught self defense. We, the U.S., taught the israelis what they are now selling as "krav maga". Bottom line i'll put my Jiu jitsu against anyones tkd, kung fu, or what ever lol.

1. "krav maga" is a hebrew for hand to hand combat. Yes the Israeli military still teaches hand to hand combat.

2. There are many people teaching "krav maga" poorly for money. They are not teaching anything the Israeli military teaches

3. Your challenging people to a fight? Seriously?
The majority of marshal arts that involve a gi and a bunch of different belts

I caught that as well but I did not think it was all that important in the overall context of the post.
I have studies ninjutsu for close to twenty years and started out in Judo and tradional Ju-Jutsu. I usually avoid Martial Arts forums due to past experience but this post got the better of me. BJJ in the US is just another sport MA. Most of the true combat aspects of it have been stripped out and it is only taught for use in MMA, which is in itself a sport MA, just moved full circle back to the days of Chuck Norris when Karate was full contact continuous point sparing. Most MMA guys have an overinflated opion of themselves because many of the techniques will not work against a good street fighter without any rules. Likewise many of the grappling techniques are flawed because they are not good as a defence against multiple attackers.

Thats not entirely accurate description of MMA. MMA does not have any rules. UFC and other MMA leagues have rules as required by state law. UFC orginally had no rules and was on its way to becoming illegal. John MCain called it human cockfighting in his campaign to make it illegal. Many states still do not allow MMA fights. UFC has no New York fights because UFC is not allowed in NY.

As for street fighting, practising fighting against resisting opponents is essential.Taking hits and being able to counter is a must. MMA, BJJ, Judo, Kali, Thai kickboxing do this. Street fights have no rules but martial artists who don't have live training are not in the ball park.

Chuck Norris has a black belt in BJJ with the Machado bros. He studied BJJ after meeting the Gracies.
MMA does not have any rules. UFC and other MMA leagues have rules as required by state law. UFC orginally had no rules and was on its way to becoming illegal.

Actually UFC 1 had three rules:
1. No eye gouging
2. No fishhooking
3. The third one eludes me at this time.

But current MMA is a sport. Most practioners train to participate in the paramaters of the league they operate in. And if you look at the current rules of the UFC and watch UFC one, you will notice that alot of those rules eliminate many of the winning techniques of the Gracies.

And my comments about Chuck Norris were not derogatory. He is the man and tournament Karate was a real sport for martial artists back in his day.
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But current MMA is a sport. Most practioners train to participate in the paramaters of the league they operate in. And if you look at the current rules of the UFC and watch UFC one, you will notice that alot of those rules eliminate many of the wining techniques of the Gracies.

It s not the rules that eliminate most of the Gracie techniques. It isn't the kickboxer versus the grappler anymore. Everyone has trained in BJJ or wrestling or judo even if it isn't their strength. They have a ground game unlike in UFC 1 where no one knew of BJJ.

The point of MMA is to train in all ranges of fighting. BJJ doesn't do it by itself. One must train in boxing and karate too. Chuck Norris saw the value in this and took up BJJ.

It is the live training in all ranges of combat that makes it special.
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You edited the post before I could get to it firecoins, but no I was not being derogatory to MMA. I did not imply that it was not a sport vs old krarate. In fact, I was making a possitive comparison. My point was directed at irish_handgrenade's thought that MMA was more a combat art than any other.
The comment about tournement Karate in Chuck Norris's was more a poorly organized thought about the current no contact rules of alot of karate and TKD tournements. But once again, I go back to my ice cream analogy in that the current method of tournement MA would not exist if it was not what most people wanted.
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P.S. firecoins, thanks for not letting this turning into the contentious "my art is better than yours" stuff and keyboard bashing that has caused me to keep away from martial arts forums.
P.S. firecoins, thanks for not letting this turning into the contentious "my art is better than yours" stuff and keyboard bashing that has caused me to keep away from martial arts forums.

You contributed to that sentiment. You said karate like what Chuck Norris did was a real sport. It inferred that your saying MMA was not. And you expressed the sentiment that MMA practioners are arrogant while they are beaten by "street fighters" in real life because of rules. Certainly seems like you are inferring certain arts are better than others. Your at least bashing MMA.
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I always thought it was martial arts, and not marshal arts.

ok that aside being able to wrestle and subdue an opponent has worked out for me more than being able to throw haymaker punches or being able to throw a roundhouse head kick... Any idiot can throw a punch, and very few karate practitioners and ninjutsu, or whatever, have absolutely no idea how to defend them selves against cockstrong idiots. I on the other hand(happen to have a knack for pissing people off... go figure) and I have found the majority of the idiots that wanna hit me rarely do so when I put them on their back and start bending something the wrong direction, or when I cut the blood supply off to the brain. Honestly never really have to throw a punch or a kick and I have come off unscathed after more than one encounter. My basic premise is "martial" arts are great for staying in shape and most are poor ways of defending yourself. Street fighters...? please lol they step into my cage every friday and rarely last more than a round against my less experienced team mates.
ok that aside being able to wrestle and subdue an opponent has worked out for me more than being able to throw haymaker punches or being able to throw a roundhouse head kick... Any idiot can throw a punch, and very few karate practitioners and ninjutsu, or whatever, have absolutely no idea how to defend them selves against cockstrong idiots. I on the other hand(happen to have a knack for pissing people off... go figure) and I have found the majority of the idiots that wanna hit me rarely do so when I put them on their back and start bending something the wrong direction, or when I cut the blood supply off to the brain. Honestly never really have to throw a punch or a kick and I have come off unscathed after more than one encounter. My basic premise is "martial" arts are great for staying in shape and most are poor ways of defending yourself. Street fighters...? please lol they step into my cage every friday and rarely last more than a round against my less experienced team mates.

a lot of the anatomical knowledge that goes along with the practice of specific martial arts like aikido and ninpo i've found offer a lot of advantages and ways to end a fight without excess violence. i personally dont like causing excessive harm, and have found that through the use of nerve striking, and the throws and locks of aikido, i still have next to no problems when it comes to ending a fight. im not into MMA, and much prefer sparring with my fellow martial artists, and of course using it when needed in real life situations.

also, sort of unrelated, i dislike the fact that this thread has degenerated into a thread about beating people up i dont care if you study jeet kun do or BJJ, but martial arts is not about causing harm, but rather bettering ones self.