I see from post #3 this sounds like a private for profit ambulance/ambulette shop. Any emergency care provider billing a hard working born & raised taxpaying American citizen for an AMA should be reported to the State Health Department. From 2008 until President Donald John Trump ran him out of town in 2016 dubious American business interest in the health care industry that dovetailed the Obamacare criminal enterprise have reaped the harvest through Barry's privatization scam.
I have a couple of points to make. First, if you actually followed the link that's in the first post of this thread, you might get an idea, perhaps an inkling, that the entity involved is NOT a private/for profit ambulance/ambulette shop. "Cosumnes Community Services District" has a Fire Department. The CCSD is an independent special district in California that provides, in this case, Parks & Rec services as well as Fire and EMS services. Second, the "First Responder Fee" is allowed by California Health and Safety Code 13916 and there are several entities that implemented this fee and they include MUNICIPALITIES and INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS that include those Districts that provide a single service (Fire/EMS) or do multiple services as the CCSD does. Third, if you had looked further/deeper into the issue, as I have done (took me all of 5 minutes to learn this stuff), you would have quickly determined that the underlying H&S code has been in place for
at least 11 years and this very much predates anything Obamacare/Affordable Healthcare Act and therefore the code, and fees allowed by the code, has nothing to do with the ACA.
How do I know about the CCSD? I've lived in the region for almost 20 years and have seen how that particular CSD has changed and grown, as have several of the FPD's around here. Just for the record, I have never been a member or employee of the Cosumnes Community Services District, or its predecessor agencies/districts in any capacity. I have worked for an independent special district (that can provide almost
all municipal services) for over 10 years. I'm well aware of the municipal powers an ISD can have. My former employer chooses not to provide Fire/EMS services as it's quite expensive and there's a FPD that provides those services at a much lower cost to their area. I'm an ED RN and my ED receives ambulances from all the major providers of 911 EMS service, the CCSD Fire Department being one of them.
Lastly, it is very difficult to read and parse your posts as they appear to contain run-on sentences and train of thought writing that barely make sense.