On the contrary. If this happened and it was a FD that was responding you guys would be allover the fact it was a FD. (but I will admit that is speculation on my part... but it has good standing with the track record of this forum).
I agree! And what was the problem... the roads had too much snow. So call the DOT for a plow. Heck break out the shovels and start digging if you feel you must. The FD is no more qualified to shovel snow that anyone else so why do they (in your opinion from what I am inferring) get the special job of shoveling snow?
Not sure what this is about... maybe something towards FD's. To rescue the Pt call a plow and while your waiting read a book. Start walking if you want to get to them sooner. But abandoning them is not an option.
I agree. Nothing is perfect.
I'm usually one of the first to tell everyone to get off of the FD stick when the FBEMS lynch mob gets going. You're probably correctin that it would have been ugly if it was the FD's doing. But, in this particular case, the earlier posts were pretty damning of the EMS system alone and it's crews in this incident.
There were a few weak attempts to somehow link the FD to this whole mess, but the fact of the matter is that they would need to be called to help. I'm sure they would have done their best if they were toned out for the assist with this one. If they're not called, how are they supposed to know there's a problem developing?