It Happened: Continuing Education Audit


I put the M in EMTLife
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I received an email stating that I am being audited by the state and next steps.

I spent about 30 minutes uploading proof of all of my courses.

I'm not worried about the outcome of the audit, I've met all requirements.

I am worried that I am being audited.

Anyone ever survive an audit?
There is usually no reason to worry. States will randomly select providers and audit their CE hours to make sure people stay honest.

I have been audited once by the state with no issues for my state paramedic license.

FP-C is audited on every recert with every provider.
I received an email stating that I am being audited by the state and next steps.

I spent about 30 minutes uploading proof of all of my courses.

I'm not worried about the outcome of the audit, I've met all requirements.

I am worried that I am being audited.

Anyone ever survive an audit?
Never been audited, but my department failed to submit my CE’s one year, at the time,
(We were told by our chief that everything was to be mailed to the dept), and it was missed or whatever, I got a 2 day suspension on my permeant record, called the state, explained the situation, but they wouldn’t remove it, so, I still have that on there, for something that was totally out of my control.

Edit: yup, still there
Never been audited, but my department failed to submit my CE’s one year, at the time,
(We were told by our chief that everything was to be mailed to the dept), and it was missed or whatever, I got a 2 day suspension on my permeant record, called the state, explained the situation, but they wouldn’t remove it, so, I still have that on there, for something that was totally out of my control.

Edit: yup, still there
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Are you unable to renew your NC license on your own? If given the option I would 100% never let my company do the entire recert process for me
I've been randomly audited by the State for my California Paramedic license. No big deal. It was basically a "we're checking to be sure you're compliant... so submit all your CE certs this year." So I did and got renewed on time. When I renew my license, I have all my certs ready to upload just in case the State wants me to submit them instead of attesting that I've done the work. I think the same thing happened a couple cycles ago for my RN license. Same deal. Upload your CE proof and you're good to go.
Are you unable to renew your NC license on your own? If given the option I would 100% never let my company do the entire recert process for me
We've always been required to have our dept do it, however, we now have an EMS IC who is the AC so that helps, at the time our IC didn't work in the Summer, because he would be out sailing 🤬 when I tried arguing the whole "alert" thing, it was during the beginning of coivd, so no one was working in their office, I'll have to try again
We've always been required to have our dept do it, however, we now have an EMS IC who is the AC so that helps, at the time our IC didn't work in the Summer, because he would be out sailing 🤬 when I tried arguing the whole "alert" thing, it was during the beginning of coivd, so no one was working in their office, I'll have to try again
my state cert needs to be submitted via my dept, to the county to the state; when I renew my NR, I have to my county, who sends stuff to the state. I wish I could do it all myself, but all active providers need sign offs to get stuff done. Now, if I go inactive, I can renew solo, but I can't practice then, it just makes it easier to not have my cert expire.
Pennsylvania requires that you upload copies of your certificates, complete classes on the state LMS or have educational encounters tracked by an instructor who submits electronic rosters. Very few issues unless someone submits fraudulent certificates and doesn’t get caught. The recent process in PA is easy and painless.
My state leans heavily on NREMT for re-certs. If NREMT re-certifies you, then the state renews your license. So all CE gets entered into NREMT's site/dashboard, and once the Training Officer approves it, the re-cert and license renewal wheels start to move.

As an EMT with a volunteer FD, there is no one to handle the paperwork or even answer questions. I recently took on the T.O. role for my department for both Registry and Health Dept's EMS bureau, and after having received some internal training and doing some networking with service providers and other practitioners, I'm finally starting to get a rough understanding of the process. I've got to say, it's not quite as intuitive as I would like it to be (at least from my perspective). For better or worse, I was under the impression the completion certificates had to be uploaded pro forma, otherwise you wouldn't get the credit. Hopefully my understanding (or misunderstanding) will keep the auditors at-bay, but time will tell.

To the OP, thanks for starting this thread...hearing about your audit, and seeing what others are doing in this arena, really helps. The re-certification process doesn't seem to be discussed much (if at all) during the education phase, and I'm guessing that's because most people will ultimately work for a service provider that helps to manage the process; in fact, it seems that most paid-provider-services have a dedicated resource to making sure their staff continues to have an active license. As I learn what Registry and my state requires, I'm acting as the town crier to every EMS practitioner near me to help them navigate their re-certification and license renewal, and emphasize that ultimately they need to "own" the process.
I’ve been audited for my fire instructor, which was kind a pain in the butt because that cycle I did a lot of random teaching help for friends at their program, so then I had to track down all those class rosters.

As a coordinator, I had about a dozen guys get audited. Our RMS was solid so all I had to do was print off a list of classes that person had been in with the station, sign it, and send it off..
Turn in your National Registry October 1st so if you get audited you have time to deal with it
Was just notified that I was compliant and met licensing requirements.

I’m tempted to ask them what about my license or documentation led to the audit, but I don’t want to rock the boat.
Was just notified that I was compliant and met licensing requirements.

I’m tempted to ask them what about my license or documentation led to the audit, but I don’t want to rock the boat.
They likely randomly select X number of licenses per year to audit