interviewers aint looking for honesty, they're looking for the best liars

You have two major things going against you. You're young and you're inexperienced. You may be right when you say you can do the job as well or better than the people who were hired but how would the interviewer know that. They are taking a tiny snap shot of you in the interview and that's all they have to go on. What you're calling lying is what older more experienced people call playing the game. Think of it like being on a first date. You are meeting a pretty girl for the first time, do you act just like you do all the time? Of course not you put your best "I'm a charming suave sob who deserves to be your boyfriend" face on. This is no different than a job interview. In a job interview you have a few minutes to seal the deal and just like on a first date chances are if you do something stupid early on you've blown it.
Google interview tips. It doesn't matter what position you're interviewing for the basics are the same.
Turn your weaknesses into strengths. Your English isn't perfect? Play up the fact that you're bilingual. You're new to the American culture? Play up the fact that you can relate to people of other cultures who now call America their home. You come from a poor background (I'm translating this as meaning you don't talk and act as fancy as people who aren't poor)? Again emphasize the fact that you can relate to where poor people are coming from.
I'm having a hard time actually buying that he has a difficult time with the English language. He has a pretty good grasp on English slang it seems, which I've read is the hardest part of the language to learn. He doesn't type like someone who is unfamiliar/troubled with speaking English... I think he is just using that as another invalid excuse.
I'm having a hard time actually buying that he has a difficult time with the English language. He has a pretty good grasp on English slang it seems, which I've read is the hardest part of the language to learn. He doesn't type like someone who is unfamiliar/troubled with speaking English... I think he is just using that as another invalid excuse.
Don't believe everything you read. If, always an IF, English is his second language, depending on how he learned, slang may have been quite easy to pick up and come very naturally to him.

If you learn a language by immersion without any, or with very little rote instruction, you'll learn what you heard. If that happens to be a lot of slang, like you might find in a poorer neighborhood where most people didn't grow up speaking English, then it's a predictable result.

You live in Florida, right? Plenty of opportunities there to see this first hand.

Or he could be full of it and you're right. Who knows. Or cares for that matter.
Don't believe everything you read. If, always an IF, English is his second language, depending on how he learned, slang may have been quite easy to pick up and come very naturally to him.

If you learn a language by immersion without any, or with very little rote instruction, you'll learn what you heard. If that happens to be a lot of slang, like you might find in a poorer neighborhood where most people didn't grow up speaking English, then it's a predictable result.

You live in Florida, right? Plenty of opportunities there to see this first hand.

Or he could be full of it and you're right. Who knows. Or cares for that matter.
I still say it's a troll. You'll notice there have been no further posts.
Tupac was right society makes you who u are in this life..

That's a load of crap. Grow up and take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming other people just because you can't get a job. It's hard to get a job doing anything right now, especially if you have zero experience in the field.
If the OP just took the time to read his own post he would understand why he doesn't have a job.
I'm not trolling. I'm seeking help and for that I thank you all..I will use this as a motivation to try harder.
Let me've got tats, piercings, or both?

Many people in our generation feel entitled. Y'all have been brought up weak, expecting to get stuff handed to you. You haven't been punched in the face by life (and no, growing up poor doesn't count, been there, done that).

Join the Army if you can.
Don't pull the race card it makes you sound incredibly stupid. Technically in the fire service you have a better chance of employment as a minority so your race argument sucks.

Secondly, you're doing something wrong if you only have had 3 interviews. Do you include a cover letter with your application and resume? If you do, has someone edited it for you? Do you follow up on all the applications you submit? Do you do all your applications online or do you turn them in in person? I'm 22 and have never had a problem getting a job.

Even private services often push to hire minorities, though this is generally done informally. If you're service works in an ethnically diverse area, it only makes sense to have an ethnically diverse workforce if only to bolster one's first impression.

Also in regards to resumes, I would not bother with a cover letter. If anything, you want your resume to be a single sheet of paper. Anything longer and no one wants to read it, regardless of its content. If you include a cover letter, odds are that the HR person will only read that and not your actual resume. The cover letter is really just fluff anyway.

I'm not trolling. I'm seeking help and for that I thank you all..I will use this as a motivation to try harder.

It's not only about working harder, it's about working smarter. You need to come up with a new strategy for getting a job before you start looking.
Let me've got tats, piercings, or both?

How come you brought this up? I've got some... But there is no scientific correlation between these things and feeling entitled. I think you're just looking for a way to judge others?

I wanted to thank akflightmeidc, fast65 and tigger for the post you wrote. They were fantastic, regardless of if it benefited the original poster or not - I think it certainly benefited others!
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Tats dont make you entitled, but depending on what and where they are, they tell a person how disciplined, intelligent, and emotional you are. For example, one of our guys got a full sleeve tat of a spiderweb bc he likes Spiderman. Thats also a white supremacist tat. Oops. Now hes going to have a hard time getting out of the Army.
At first I had the impression that you were genuinely frustrated with the interview process, but now I'm just under the impression you're pissed off because a job wasn't handed to you.

I'm not sure how to tackle this post, so I'll do so in chronological order.

What makes you think that you're better than these hired EMT's? Without any experience, that is a statement that is made with ZERO evidential support.

Interviewers ask questions because they are looking for something specific, whether that be a specific answer, or how well you can think on the spot. Just because you feel a question is irrelevant, doesn't mean that the interviewer does, they asked it for a reason. I'm confused as to why you feel that someone needs to lie in order to give an answer to such a question, there are actually quite a few people who don't lie during an interview, and as shocking as it may be, they get the job.

You seem to be spending more time trying to find out why everyone else is getting a job, rather than why you're not. Quite honestly, you're having a pity party for yourself, and from this post, as well as your other post in the "Wish List" thread, it's no wonder you don't have a job. You said it yourself, you're not good with interviews, but instead of coming on here asking us for tips on interviewing, you go on about how everyone who gets hired over you is a liar, and how they just aren't hiring you because you're a different race. Pulling the "race card" is a last ditch effort to explain why you haven't been hired, and it just puts the icing on the pity cake. Those are miserably poor excuses and you know it. Akflightmedic said it, interviews are about selling yourself, and if your posts on here are anything close to how you sell yourself in an interview, you'll never get a job.

It sounds like you've had 3 interviews in the past 2 years, that is not a lot, and in such a saturated job market, you should be having that many interviews a month if you're really passionate about getting a job. Not to mention your grammar could use some work.

Take akflightmedic's advice, and work on your interviewing skills, that is the only way to land a job, if you're not willing to do that, then by all means go to your backup plan of selling drugs (I really only believe you were half kidding about it). If you're not willing to improve yourself then you'll have a difficult making it in this field.

IN 100% AGREEMENT!!!! and with akflightmedic. You couldn't ask for or receive better advice in my opinion. Roll with it!! Accept it and work with it. I used to think people were out to get me. Then I got older and realized that it was just my own attitude getting me where I was. Now I don't keep my mouth shut or shy away from people whom I used to think were "bigger" than me. They are no different than me and we are simply "striking up a conversation." As long as you hold a nice, casual, adult conversation and don't act like you are "rappin with the homies"..... you should be alright.
How come you brought this up? I've got some... But there is no scientific correlation between these things and feeling entitled. I think you're just looking for a way to judge others?

I wanted to thank akflightmeidc, fast65 and tigger for the post you wrote. They were fantastic, regardless of if it benefited the original poster or not - I think it certainly benefited others!

It absolutely benefited others. I know it benefited me. I have to get back out and begin my interviewing processes as soon as I get all my certs taken care of. I haven't had to be in this spot in years as I have been a stay at home mom. It was like a little refresher course. And I know I will definitely benefit from all of the advice given!!! Thanks!!
Let me've got tats, piercings, or both?

Many people in our generation feel entitled. Y'all have been brought up weak, expecting to get stuff handed to you. You haven't been punched in the face by life (and no, growing up poor doesn't count, been there, done that).

Join the Army if you can.

RIDICULOUS!!!!! Do people really care about piercings and tattoos anymore, these days?? I see them as human nature, now. Some get carried away, but come on. Unless I am the only one in the world anymore who can see past a tattoo, that statement was wrong. Sorry.
RIDICULOUS!!!!! Do people really care about piercings and tattoos anymore, these days?? I see them as human nature, now. Some get carried away, but come on. Unless I am the only one in the world anymore who can see past a tattoo, that statement was wrong. Sorry.

Yup. I'm one of the interviewers for my company, and if I have a choice between 2 equally qualified individuals, I'm going to choose the one that doesn't have visible tattoos or piercings. At that point it comes down to who is going to be a better representative of the company. As much as people hate to admit it, we judge on appearances. I don't want someone that people are going to look and say, "He's scary... I don't want him anywhere near me."
Yup. I'm one of the interviewers for my company, and if I have a choice between 2 equally qualified individuals, I'm going to choose the one that doesn't have visible tattoos or piercings. At that point it comes down to who is going to be a better representative of the company. As much as people hate to admit it, we judge on appearances. I don't want someone that people are going to look and say, "He's scary... I don't want him anywhere near me."

That's sad. It kills me how people continually complain about "society this and society that" but are just as much part of the problem as the society they are referring to. No one wants to be judged ... but they have no problem judging. And no. I am not one of the people being interviewed with visible tattoos.
That's sad. It kills me how people continually complain about "society this and society that" but are just as much part of the problem as the society they are referring to. No one wants to be judged ... but they have no problem judging. And no. I am not one of the people being interviewed with visible tattoos.

It sucks. But its a fact of life. You will be judged, fairly or unfairly. That is something you (figuratively) accept when you choose to "express yourself"

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That's sad. It kills me how people continually complain about "society this and society that" but are just as much part of the problem as the society they are referring to. No one wants to be judged ... but they have no problem judging. And no. I am not one of the people being interviewed with visible tattoos.

The world is not politically correct, it's not all rainbows and unicorns out there. Like it or not your patients are judging you. Guess what, visible tattoos and piercings do make 90 year-old Grandma Miriam uncomfortable because many of the older generations are just not used to their public presence. It's not even about making a good impression to make money, it's about making a good impression to help keep your patients at ease.
There's a tremendous amount of good advice in this thread.

As an interviewer, I actually only have 3 questions in which the answer is actually more important than the delivery of the answer. I spend most of the interview watching non-verbal communication and evaluating the candidates interaction. It has normally been established that you are qualified and capable of doing the job before you even get an interview. I'm looking for "how" you will be getting the job done.

I often use information gathered outside the actual interview; such as watching their approach to the building, interaction with other staff on their way in, promptness (if you're late to the interview, I don't care what your other qualifications are).

Other things that will most likely disqualify an applicant during the interview;

Eye contact (as stated earlier in this thread, if you can't make eye contact - you're disqualified).
Lying (this happens more frequently than I think people are aware; we do a thorough background check, if someone is found lying - disqualified)
Bad talking another service - Most of us have worked for a service that we aren't proud of or no longer like. You don't have to speak the service's name if you are using an experience that occurred there to answer a question.

The biggest factor is attitude. Are they actually interested in working at this service? Being too eager, and not being eager enough can be flags depending on the interviewer. Are they personable? Do they fit the personality of the company (sometimes, it's just not a match)?

Because there are so many applicants, the choice on who to hire often comes down to something very minor (exceptions for those that really stand out during an interview). This means that one minor difference (1 minor traffic violation, 1 iffy answer, tattoos/piercings, etc) can and is often the deciding factor.