interviewers aint looking for honesty, they're looking for the best liars

That's sad. It kills me how people continually complain about "society this and society that" but are just as much part of the problem as the society they are referring to. No one wants to be judged ... but they have no problem judging. And no. I am not one of the people being interviewed with visible tattoos.


I have no problem being judged. I mean, there's a reason why I shave, keep a moderate hairstyle, keep any piercing and tattoos where they are not visible, try to refrain make comments only when I have a reasonable degree of evidence to back them up, etc.

The only time I have a problem with being judged is when it's on something I have no control over (skin color, ethnic heritage, etc). Technically, I'm a minority since I'm part Cherokee so the OP's comment about "you white people" is ridiculous for a few other reasons other than making him sound like a racist himself. Other than that, I get judged every second I interact with any other being (human or animal) on this planet. It's just the nature of the beast that is life. If you don't like it, then there's probably a copy of Final Exit at your local library. Otherwise, if you make choices that deviate from the social norms of the generation that holds the power (which is still the generation before my own for the most part) then you should be expected to deal with the consequences of said actions or inactions. I see where you're coming from, but it really just sounds like your standard hippie-dippy self-entitlement BS. That I don't agree with. Sorry....not going to happen and even as tattoos become more common, it still isn't likely to completely wipe the stigma and problems the heavily tattooed and pierced face away within either of our lifetimes.

I see where you're coming from, but it really just sounds like your standard hippie-dippy self-entitlement BS. That I don't agree with. Sorry....not going to happen and even as tattoos become more common, it still isn't likely to completely wipe the stigma and problems the heavily tattooed and pierced face away within either of our lifetimes.

TOO FUNNY...No "self-entitlement" here..... just making a statement. I don't believe in "poor me, all about me, look at me...." yadda yadda crap... I just think it's funny how people complain about how society looks at and judges everyone and how "nothing is ok in this society," yet everyone seems to follow the same suit. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just a statement. :rolleyes:
I know I'm a little late in the game, but I figured another 2 cents couldn't hurt
It's just sad-_-. I'm a hardworking individual and I know I can perform the same level if not higher than these hired EMT's.
can you backup that statement with any evidence? have you worked as an EMT, and actively demonstrated what you just said? if not, than it's s subjective statement based on your own opinion, and many people's opinion of themselves is a little inaccurate (I should know, that's why I'm the absolute best EMT there has ever been).
I'm not really good on interviews and I make mistakes when I don't know how to respond to a certain question that I think wasn't necessary to ask in the first place.
life is one big interview. meeting new people, making new friends, asking members of the opposite sex out. picking up a random person at the bar and taking them home is the ultimate interview, and if you can do that, you can ace a job interview (not that I have ever been able to do that, but the theory is still sound). these people want to know you, how you would handle situations, and are looking for a person who will fit into their company.

But rest assured, if a question is being asked, even if you think it wasn't necessary to ask, you can rest assured that the interviewer did feel that it was necessary to ask, and since they are asking it, you better have a good response.
like for example one time an interviewer ask me if "I know the meaning of a round hole" in my mind I said "REALLY not sure if serious". he goes about and explain "when a person is trap in a hole and doesn't know what to do next and its thinking for an answer blah blah" I get all nervous when they ask questions like these. :glare:
never been asked about the round hole.... but if it sounds like an off the wall question, say you don't know. let him explain, and maybe you can make up a good answer to what he or she is looking for
now with an individual that can lie about it and make things up surely he'll get more of a positive feedback to an interviewer cause his answers was better equals hiring a liar on the spot.
or you can lie. maybe you should lie? if you think lying will get you the job, than do it. if your truth telling is holding you back, than try lying. I don't think it's a good idea, and is a very bad way to start off your career with a company, but if you are convinced that lying is the only way to get the job, why not try it in your next interview?
life is not fair dude...Tupac was right society makes you who u are in this life. If I don't get a job as an EMT in the next 2 years I'm probably gonna hang up the flag and do something else and sell drugs in the street or something.
So instead of of working as an EMT, you are going to give up and just sell drugs on the street? yeah, I would really want to hire you. maybe it's that kind of attitude that is preventing you from being hired?
:sad: I been interviewed by AMR, protransport twice, and EMT security for securitas once and none was interested :sad:
or maybe the cali market is over saturdated, and no one wants to hire an inexperienced EMT with a poor attitude? maybe you should get out of cali, or at least apply elsewhere and see what happens?
..I guess they want Liars, the one who can lie the most and look good in an interview, they don't care if u lying as long as you look good.
like i said, try lying. see if that gets you the job, if you are convinced that is the only thing holding you back. what do you have to lose? other than your dignity, morality, self respect, and your general soul. but if you are ok with that, go for it.
and it doesnt help that I'm not white.. I wish I was white..I probably would have an EMT job right now.
ahh, your not white, that must be it. and your not black either, so i'm guessing hispanic?

maybe you speak spanish too, or other languages, that's a great asset. bilingual EMTs are almost always in demand over people who only speak English. turn your "weakness" (that your first language isn't English) and turn it into a strength.

Also remember, as a new hire/entry level candidate, your job is to conform to what they want. If they want you to wear a suit and tie, and speak English, than wear a suit and tie and speak English. if they want hard working people, who will always check the truck, follow all the rules, and not give management any problems, than that's the type of person you will need to be. and if you are not, well, maybe this isn't the field for you?
ahh, your not white, that must be it.

Yeah, the attitude problem has nothing to do with it. It's the thumb of "the man" on the back of his neck that's keeping him down.

BTW, for the sake of clarification, I'm technically a minority myself due to my father being part Cherokee. The rest of me is derived from five different varieties of good and hardy, pasty white alcoholics (German, Scottish, Irish, English, Welsh). I don't think any of my heritage is better than any other part nor better than anyone else's and I frequently make fun of my family tree. If everyone learned to laugh at themselves- especially when it comes to race, religion and politics- the world would be so much nicer to live in.
Yeah, the attitude problem has nothing to do with it. It's the thumb of "the man" on the back of his neck that's keeping him down.

BTW, for the sake of clarification, I'm technically a minority myself due to my father being part Cherokee. The rest of me is derived from five different varieties of good and hardy, pasty white alcoholics (German, Scottish, Irish, English, Welsh). I don't think any of my heritage is better than any other part nor better than anyone else's and I frequently make fun of my family tree. If everyone learned to laugh at themselves- especially when it comes to race, religion and politics- the world would be so much nicer to live in.

I don't think you can empathize with other minorities because you are part minority.... You appear as white as can be.

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I don't think you can empathize with other minorities because you are part minority.... You appear as white as can be.
according to the 2000 census, the breakdown of races in the city I work in is as follows: 53.46% African American, 26.52% White, 1.19% Asian, 0.37% Native American, 0.05% Pacific Islander, 14.05% from other races, and 4.36% from two or more races. 29.47% of the population are Hispanic or Latino of any race.

so yes, as a white man (and a white Jew no less), I am a minority.
I don't think you can empathize with other minorities because you are part minority.... You appear as white as can be.
Point taken but I do still empathize. Would you say that to someone who was half black but appeared to be white? Or to one of my friends who is half-Mexican but is paler than I am?

so yes, as a white man (and a white Jew no less), I am a minority.

What he least in part. In my case, I still have a ways to go before I'm a fully fledged Jew. I consider myself Jewish- having already committed to conversion- but have yet to go before the beth din so I'm technically not yet.
i read a majority of whats been said here. heres what i have to add...

op playing the race card in CA is rediculous. they hire you because your not white first. ive been turned down from a fire dept position because they need minorities. was i burnt? hell yea i was! was there anything i could do? nope. also, if you speak spanish your as good as gold in Ca! heck, 70%ish of my pt's speak spanish. i wish i could speak important phrases in spanish... would definetly help out

i spent 2 years applying for emt positions in ca within 100 miles from my house. i have had 3 interviews. i finally got an amr job a little over a month ago. keep after it or give up if your weak. there are 1000000 other emts waiting and willing to do the job for less money and be greatful for a shot (i.e. me) look if you get all bent on not getting a job.. give up cause your a hack and cant hang.

also it sounds like you have zero (0) experiance and havent worked in EMS in any fashion. so heres my question... whats with the avatar? a FD badge? put the wanna be ricky rescue crap back in the trauma bag in your trunk, start fresh, and work hard and study to improve your attitude and skills and keep applying.
Point taken but I do still empathize. Would you say that to someone who was half black but appeared to be white? Or to one of my friends who is half-Mexican but is paler than I am?

Sure would. Considering the fact you don't appear to be a minority, since you're white, you don't face the same automatic judgement someone with a darker skin tone or more obvious minority trait would.

You can easily avoid and hide the fact you are part Cherokee, and just reap the benefits of your bloodline for stuff like financial aid.
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i wish i could speak important phrases in spanish... would definetly help out

Most important phrase in Spanish: Donde esta el bano?
Translation: Where is the bathroom?
¡Dos mas cervezas, por favor!
i wish i could speak important phrases in spanish... would definetly help out

I can say:
Hello, my name is Sasha.
Are you in pain?
Do you have difficulty breathing?
Where is the pain?
Point to the pain.
Big pain or small pain?
Are you cold?
Is that good? (as in making them comfortable, ask "is that good")
Calm down.
Be Quiet.
I'm sorry.
Don't be scared.
and Adios!

I have an emergency medical spanish app on my phone.
I can introduce myself, ask them their name, ask if they have pain then ask really really basic assessment questions.

I like my instructors technique. Point to different body parts whilst saying Dolor? Dolor? Dolor? Dolor? :P