Ok. The reason I asked is I'd just read an AP poll that showed Trump himself as the biggest issue for two-thirds of the voters. It's just one poll, but it came closest to my own opinion that we're voting mostly for or against Trump, with Biden and other issues secondary. I do agree socialism is one of those issues.
That is a fair assessment. however, I think Ben Shapiro sums up my feelings about the election because if Trump wasn't, well, Trump, it would be a much easier decision, because objectively, things improved for most Americans for the past 4 years (pre-pandemic, of course). And I'm positive that if HRC or Obama had been in the Whitehouse, the response would have been equally devastating for the economy.
"I have been very clear on my feelings about Donald Trump's character. I have serious reservations to say the least...," said Shapiro, but "you don't have to like Trump's character, you don't have to love his Twitter account to vote for him. You don't have to approve of the crazy or bad things that he says or the way he often acts."
"But," Shapiro concluded, "if you care about the Constitution, and economic freedom, and the security of the United States, you really don't have a whole hell of a lot of choice. You should vote for Trump."
I will also say as an underpaid person, I like interest rates being low, because it makes it easier for anyone to buy a house
A young and single newcomer to EMS, 18-25, might support Biden, because free education, free health insurance, and renting an apartment for housing are all things that Biden supports. But as someone who paid for their own 4-year degree (which has doubled in price since I graduated) gets health insurance from my employer (and doesn't need it from my part-time job), and just refinanced my mortgage (and cut 15 YEARS of my mortgage), I like having more money in my pocket due to lower taxes.
oh, and
@Tigger, much of the political climate is being pushed by the Democrats, who still haven't recovered from the 2016 election loss, and have been actively obstructing the Republicans for the past 4 years. And much of the media have been assisting them and brainwashing the American public into believing many of their falsehoods and hoaxes. The Republicans haven't been helping the situation, but as a person who majored in history (and almost triple majored in Poly-Sci too, since so many classes were cross-listed) during undergrad, many of the socialism concepts are good in theory but end up failing miserably in practice.
OK no more political discussions from me.
Everyone stay safe in case of any protests or peaceful protests with arson, vandalism, and violence committed against members of law enforcement or the opposing parties.