Ok, so....If you were thinking about applying/working for Firstmed.....DON'T.
Here is a recap of what my hiring process was like (long read):
Showed up for interview/testing, during which we spent several minutes discussing my availability (My mornings are limited during the week due to school). Nevertheless, he offered me the job, and sent me on my way to do my drug test, uniform fitting, and get my DOT card. (All within the next day he asked)
No problem, next day I get all of that done. I call him to inform its all been completed, he says come in tomorrow for some final paperwork bright and early @ 8:30 am (he says he will be in @ 7). I get there the next morning, low and behold, hes not in the office yet. This is how the conversation went between myself and the front desk:
FD: I'll call him and see what he wants you to do........Ok so we're gonna send you out to Glendale to get your drug test.
Me: I already did that.
FD: Oh......well let me call him back then.
FD: Ok well it looks like theres nothing else to do, you're off the hook til he calls you back.
Me: ......
So I call him back later in the day, he says hes setting up orientation, and to expect a call from him later that night. Of course, no call. Monday rolls around, still nothing. I decide to call him Tuesday, and he says hes still working on it. Ok, thats cool.
Today I finally get a call from him, telling me orientation is next wed and thurs, 8-5. I tell him I can't make it due to school, and since its also the first week of school, any class I miss will result in me being dropped from the course. Thats just replied by him with a cold "Yeah i can't move the dates."
So now i'm out 200 bucks for the DOT card, a job, and all the time i spent sitting in rush hour traffic to and from LA and glendale--which could have been avoided by a simple "your schedule doesn't work with ours" on day one. Thanks FirstMed.