I had no Idea


Forum Probie
Im sure you folks get this a lot and I'm not going to wine about it. But I had no idea how much work it is and studying it is to become and EMT. I really do love the class I'm taking and enjoy reading about what I hope to be my job in the near future. The good news is I really got a lot a prep from all of the posts on here. Just reading through the stories and looking at the replys in the BLS has really helped me so far. So I really just want to say Thanks!


Forum Lieutenant
Welcome to the chaotic life of studying to become an EMT! :) I was expecting to study a lot as well, but I'm studying even more than I thought I would. The thing is, I'm loving it! I'd study all day every day if given the chance. Keep up the study habits and we'll make it to the other side B)


Forum Deputy Chief
Actually it takes very little studying and work to become an EMT-B. A minimum of 110 hours or so (depending on your state) of relatively low difficulty coursework... and then you have this title of an emergency medical care provider...

I'm not trying to be an *** or anything here. If you're taking the course seriously and studying above and beyond the bare minimum then good for you and keep it up.

PS: I also understand that many EMT-B students juggle jobs and family while in school, which is undoubtedly challenging. So please don't think I'm downplaying that aspect.
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Forum Probie
Reply to above

Well maybe I'm just slow becasue I think the course is pretty tough. I read through the chapters I'm getting a good grade. I just think its a lot of material to go over. But thanks for your feedback:excl:


Forum Crew Member
I felt the same way you did...a lot of studying, especially when good deal of the technical aspects and med terminology was like learning a foreign language. But my favorite instructor put it best: he said at first its like a 10 lane interstate running into your brain, things seem out of place and going a 100 mph. But then you adjust, it sinks in, and pretty soon youre on a two lane blacktop cruising along and enjoying the scenery. If you feel it takes a good deal of time and study, you are doing it right. Now just wait til you join a department that has a binder as thick as you textbook on their procedures and protocols. Remember, your textbook is just a guideline. But dont freak out, because you will be surprised that those good study habits tanslate over and you pick up on things more quickly. Good luck and enjoy it!!!


Actually it takes very little studying and work to become an EMT-B. A minimum of 110 hours or so (depending on your state) of relatively low difficulty coursework... and then you have this title of an emergency medical care provider...
I concur. EMT-B was not a drop in the bucket compared to my undergrad courses.


EMS Guru
The main reason most find EMT courses difficult is because it is usually their first exposure to any true medical course. The content is just above the advanced first aid level and in comparison is really very fundamental and not as in-depth but again, for the common laymen it is all brand new material.

As one goes onward into their medical education and licenses, it is easy to forget the overwhelming or "newness" of attempting to understand a whole new profession. It appears endless and unfortunately there is no black or white direct answers which leads into more confusion.

Yes, it needs to be more rigorous, and yes definitely more in-depth. If and when we do increase the course prerequisites and associated courses should be mandated as well. Then and only then, we will see the EMT to be really what they are acclaimed to be .. an Emergency Medical Technician.
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Forum Lieutenant
I do wish I had more of a background for this, then everything would come together a lot easier I think. Once it's over and I have my license, I'm planning on kicking the college courses into gear so I can understand what I've just learned lol.

SkyAce, if you have any friends or family with medical background, use them and use them often! I've got about 7 of them in my "circle" and they're helping me understand better how and why the body does what it does. It may not be as good as getting the education credits, but it can help a little in the meantime.

Good job on the test too :)


Forum Crew Member
I do have to say that EMT school was supper easy for me, cruised through the class with all A's without hardly ever cracking the book. But I also grew up in a household where my dad was an ex-firefighter EMT and my mom had taken EMT courses, so it seemed like I had grown up knowing everything they where teaching. But I felt the same as you did when I got into medic school. In fact, I came home crying the first day because they were speaking a new language and I couldnt understand a word they said! It was a real struggle all through medic school, but with hard work I made it. So keep your head up! The hard work pays off, and you will absolutely love the career that you are getting into. All the best!