I don't like blood


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In general I don't like blood, gore, and needles. This has never been a problem working in EMS though. As I was checking out that recent thread with trauma pictures I felt sick though. When reading my EMS book or seeing EMS slides I don't get that sick feeling though.

I've found that some people in EMS, like myself, also don't like blood and needles when not working a call. Twice a year we have to do a TB test, and I love watching some of the medics squirm.

Anyone else?
I am fine when there's adrenaline pumping. I focus on the task at hand. Sometimes later I have nightmares once my mind's eye starts remembering the patient's injuries without the adrenaline and the need for action on my part.

I had a hard time with some of my OR clinicals, and I can't watch certain scenes on ER (chest cracking, for example). In the OR, I was fine with arthroscopic surgery and some other procedures (I saw a really cool turniqueted bloodless surgery..., and the removal of scar tissue from the pleural space including collapsing one lung at a time) - but the gastric by-pass made me a little queasy and I had to leave the room when they started sawing through bone in the hip replacement.

PS - I didn't look at the trauma pic thread. Why put myself through that?
Nope, the more blood the better. Traumaaaaaaaaa B)
Hmm... It is not like I like blood or dislike.. can't see how you can be in this business or an active one and it can bother you. Usually, after a period of time, you bcome so accustomed to both. There are very few calls I don't see both....

As far a pics.. there is a difference in "gore" and education pics. Really not a fan of "gore" pics... not that it grosses me out.. (don't think I can be) But, rather inappropiate and you don't learn anything.. it appears someone is bragging about something.

Be safe,
R/R 911
Blood ang gore doesn't bother me at all. I don't go out looking for it but it really doesn't phase me. I used to assist in surgery when I worked for a vet and I think that's what desensitized me. The only thing that bothered me then was the smell of blood on the really messy surgery's but I got over that.

My husband rented one of the Faces of death video once, and I learned I can't watch someone die. Not in the manner they show at least, I had to make him turn it off. I was worried about that working in EMS, but when I did actually work a code and basically watched the guy die as I was doing CPR I found I go into work mode on the calls and I'm ok.
As long as it's not mine, I don't have a problem with it.
Blood doesn't bother me. Pictures aren't so bad, I usually end up thinking something along the lines of Dude that sucked. Working in the ER, if we get an impressive injury I usually try to get a look at it and then I am trying to piece together their story of what happened vs. what their boo boo looks like.

Now, poop. That is enough to make my throw up reflex go into overdrive.
At work I'm fine with anything... but vomit.
I go through spells. Sometimes nothing bothers me, sometimes just the thought of something will make my stomach turn.

I have always hated, however, seeing stuff in a non-emergency atmosphere, like regular doctors room or walkins. I get quezzy much easier then. Oh, and I can't watch surgery type shows. Slicing into perfect skins makes me want to change channels in a heartbeat.

Weird, I know.
At work I'm fine with anything... but vomit.

me too....

what is it with some people? , they have to wait until we arrive? think they pay their taxes so it entitles them to puke on an emt? christ on a cracker, i know your sick, ya don't have to prove it ...

where does it say 'puke magnet' in our job 'script anyawys?

I keep a ziplock bag in my pocket with N95 masks in it, I rub grape chap stick on the inside so it covers any smells the mask doesn't, and I wear stlyish goggle type glasses on every patient, so I'm covered as far as smells go.
Blood doesn't bother me. Other fluids don't even bother me too much.

Odors, however, are another matter. I can deal with them, and I don't think I'm gonna ever be the one to puke myself, but I don't like 'em. I dread the day I end up on a decomp call (I've been lucky so far...we've had 'em, but I haven't been there).

The only time blood bothers me is with a kid. Kids in general are my weak point, especially if I know them. We had a kid at our church go into a seizure a couple weeks ago, and I was all too happy to hand off PT care to another EMT when they got there (though I did go in on the transport).
I can't stand a 'code brown'. Other than that, I don't think much else really bothers me.
I am a sympathetic puker...you puke, im likely to puke with you...and really stinky dead people make me gag too....but thats about it, unless I am already sick and working, then just some stupid little things make me gag...prolly why i called in today and am going to the DR this afternoon....:wacko:
The only thing that really bothers me sight wise is compound fractures to lower extrmities... B) Other than that I cannot stand the smell of spinal fluid or brain matter being baked onto very hot road surfaces... :ph34r:
I have been back and forth on this issue. Before I started working on the rig I thought I would be grossed out by everything, but I never did get grossed out. Even my sympathetic puking problem went away. But just since like a week ago... I have been grossed out by everything. I saw more disgusting abcesses drained in the last 2 months than ever and I didnt even flinch, but this last week a pt coughed with bad breath and I had to hold down my lunch. And the breath wasnt even week old... maybe a couple days. Am I losing it???? Eeek
You might be a little bit sick or extra stressed - I tend to be more sensitive when either happen to me.
Dare I say it?

Morning sickness?
ffemt8978 said:
Dare I say it?

Morning sickness?

Why do guys ALWAYS say pregnancy? But for a guy, he probably was hungover or had a touch of something. I still think humans should be more like seahorses.
rescuecpt said:
I still think humans should be more like seahorses.

AMEN Sister!!!

Best statement ever on this board!!