Hurricane Sandy

I think I'm just going to look into my county's SAR team, since I think they help with this kind of thing also, and since I almost joined them last year anyway.

Thanks for the info everyone!
Join a cert team

Uh, CERT isn't supposed to do EMT level stuff*, but the training for individual and family preparedness is very good and inexpensive. Think SAR, or MERC, etc.

*CERT can offer medical first responder training, but the certificate might not be awarded and emergency protocols are a lot less humane than non-emergency ones.
Landing in Ohio then driving straight into Fort Dix New Jersey.
We're upstaffing for the storm here in the Philly burbs, and the volunteer fire companies are going to staffed stations.

They asked our county EMS strike team to deploy to New Jersey too, but it was declined...we're going to have the brunt of the storm hit here too, and the bosses want everything we have here.

Personally, I'm preparing by bringing lots of DVDs to work in case we lose the internet. Priorities.
We're upstaffing for the storm here in the Philly burbs, and the volunteer fire companies are going to staffed stations.

They asked our county EMS strike team to deploy to New Jersey too, but it was declined...we're going to have the brunt of the storm hit here too, and the bosses want everything we have here.

Personally, I'm preparing by bringing lots of DVDs to work in case we lose the internet. Priorities.
You too? I brought rain gear, some food, spare clothing, and my Xbox.

I'm acting OIC at the college squad, because everyone else is off playing with their FD or EMS job. I was supposed to be airborne to the EMS Expo right now... but seeing as that didn't happen, and I already turned down hours everywhere else, I guess I'm here.
The news crew caught us on camera as we were getting checked in at the airport. Looks like ice cream is gonna be around.

It's been a full day as a PIO today. Done several radio interviews, CNN, NBC, New York Times. Weather Channel storm chaser video crew has been at the EOC much of the morning... and there is great soup simmering on the stove in the kitchen.

It's been a full day as a PIO today. Done several radio interviews, CNN, NBC, New York Times. Weather Channel storm chaser video crew has been at the EOC much of the morning... and there is great soup simmering on the stove in the kitchen.

Stay safe bro. If I get deployed second wave I might be seeing you :)
Let me know if you get out this way!

Lol I will. Currently sitting in Gettysburg waiting for Lauren to get out of work... I'm supposed to fly back to NM on Friday,and my boss told me I might be going home friday afternoon to get uniforms, thenl flying right back out

It's been a full day as a PIO today. Done several radio interviews, CNN, NBC, New York Times. Weather Channel storm chaser video crew has been at the EOC much of the morning... and there is great soup simmering on the stove in the kitchen.

Most important tool on that desk is the phone charger. I'm convinced that the right person could run the world with an iphone.
Woot! The blizzard warning has come down the mountains as far as the next tier of counties west of us.

We transport over there. This might just be one of the most miserable nights ever. :) Fun times.
Wonder how much effect this will have upon cell coverage. Be aware.

TWC (The Weather Channel) says there are concerns about water (seawater, presumably) entering the subways and knocking out mechanical and electrical infrastructure.
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Most important tool on that desk is the phone charger. I'm convinced that the right person could run the world with an iphone.

An it takes too long to restart :P

Partial crane collapse in NYC, shutting down a lot of midtown. It's getting real
Nothing a little Viagra couldn't fix.
Got diverted from New Jersey to New York so that we can try to out run Sandy and not drive directly into it.
You too? I brought rain gear, some food, spare clothing, and my Xbox.

I'm acting OIC at the college squad, because everyone else is off playing with their FD or EMS job. I was supposed to be airborne to the EMS Expo right now... but seeing as that didn't happen, and I already turned down hours everywhere else, I guess I'm here.

Xbox? You lucky :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:, I don't think anyone on my shift owns one. What county are you in for the storm? I'm in central ChesCo
Got diverted from New Jersey to New York so that we can try to out run Sandy and not drive directly into it.

They did that to us last storm, diverted from Baton Rogue to another town to stage for the night, for the same reasons. You guys stay safe